Chapter 2

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The photo above is not something I drew I just found it and thought it looked cool.

When Moonlight awoke it was midday. She looks over at her mother who was talking to her best friend Bluesky. She was solid light blue her mane tail and wings were gray. Moonlight stretches out her white wings. She sneaks off to the ocean view she gazes out at the blue surface of the ocean. It stretched out for miles and miles all around Ajilon Mountain. 'I know father said not to but ...' Moonlight thought feeling guilty for disobeying her father. Whirlwind was the Over-stallion of Sky Herd and Moonlight always tried to fallow in his footsteps. But Moonlight was different from the Herd she hardly had any fears unlike the other foals. She never played with the other foals it wasn't that she didn't like them she just found no interest in playing. Moonlight always preferred to spare with her father than play air tag. Moonlight sighed 'why am I so different from the others Whitestar?' She asked her guide. The wind picked up blowing Moonlight's mane back. Moonlight closed her eyes as she felt the presences of Whitestar. When she opened her silver eyes again she finds a spirit of a unicorn standing on clouds in front of her. The spiritual mare was twice Lovely's size. Her body glowed white her mane and tail flowed continually in the air. Moonlight knew Whitestar very well although her Herd knew nothing of her presence. Moonlight bows her head to the previous white foal of Ajilon. "Tell me, have you been sensing what I've been sensing?" Moonlight asks. Whitestar nods her head she arches her neck proudly. 'I have' she answers in Moonlight's mind. Moonlight wished she could talk to Whitestar the same but Whitestar told her once that she was not strong enough yet. "What is the strange feeling I've been sensing?" Moonlight asks. Whitestar spreads her white gold tipped wings out to their full length. 'It is ... The black foal' she answers grimly. "The ... Black foal?" Moonlight blinks at her. Whitestar nods 'yes a very powerful being in the Pegasus lands. They say ... That not every black foal is dangerous but I do not believe that' Whitestar said the last part sternly. She had died in her fight with the previous black foal known as Midnight. No one knows what happened to Midnight or if he's even still alive. Moonlight held her horn up high. 'One of these days you will have a choice to either save the pegasi from this destructive being. Their fate will be in your wings once you receive your powers from the White Star' and with that Whitestar vanishes into thin air leaving Moonlight to ponder on her words. Moonlight perks her ears as she hears a splash down below. She looks down below to see only a glimpse of a gray fin disappear back into the water. Moonlight blinks she stands there hoping to see what it really was. After a few seconds a gray creature jumps out of the water the sun hits it's sleeks gray body. Moonlight's eyes brighten up. When the strange creature dives back down into the water another one jumps out and another. About five or six Moonlight couldn't tell. 'Wow! Is that the legendary Ocean Herd!' She thought. Moonlight watched them for a long time as the strange creatures dive in and out of the water one after another as if playing with each other. "What did I tell you!" A voice demands. Moonlight whirls around to find her father standing there with his ears pinned. Moonlight looked into her father's angered black eyes "well?" He snorts pawing the ground. Moonlight lowers her head "you told me not to come out here without you" Moonlight murmurs. Whirlwind walks closer to her and touches snouts with her. They exchange breaths "understand Moonlight, I'm not angry because you disobeyed me, I am angry because you put yourself in harm's way" he says more softly. Hear her father's words angered Moonlight suddenly she steps back from him. "I can't help it" she says she turns towards the ocean. The small Herd of creatures were still jumping around in the water. "I'm different from you and mama and everyone else" she says lowering her head. "Yes you are" Whirlwind says calmly. He comes up next to Moonlight and places his silver wing over her. His wing was big enough to cover her completely, "Moonlight I just don't want you to get hurt is all. I am your father no matter if you are the white foal" he stomps his hoof on the stone ground. "You are my filly and I love you and will do whatever it takes to protect you" Whirlwind states. Moonlight snuggles into her father's shoulder. She remembers all of the trouble she's been in. The time she was almost eaten by a mountain lion because she wanted to see it's cubs. And the time some of the other foals dared her to jump off a very steep cliff before she could fully fly. And so on and in each danger Moonlight took them head on without any fears. Moonlight & Whirlwind gaze out at the ocean Moonlight points her wing at the sea creatures "Father, what are those strange creatures in the water?" She asks. "Those are dolphins" he nickers delighted. But Whirlwind's attention gets drawn out into the distance. His ears perk up as he swings at sever specks that appear to be heading towards them. They would get here within thirty minutes or so. "Father, is something wrong?" Moonlight asks now alert as well to what's heading towards their territory. Whirlwind suddenly flares his silver wings he rears up and let's out an ear piercing neigh that echoes throughout the Ajilon Mountains. Moonlight trembled, Whirlwind nudges Moonlight towards the forest. She fallows him to a thicket of bushes "hide here and no matter what happens you stay hidden you cannot let them find you" he touches snouts with Moonlight quickly before bolting off to Cloud Meadow. And like the wind he was gone.

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