Chapter 9

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A week has past since Moonlight was accepted into Sun Herd. She was out playing with a couple of foals she had be friended in the short time she's been here. Moonlight chased Duststorm a red roan colt with dusty blonde hair and wings into the forest. When Moonlight gets a gain on him Duststorm jumps into the air and hovers above Moonlight's head. Moonlight snorts at him cheating again "hey no fair!" Moonlight yells at him. Duststorm hovers over her with no intentions of landing back down. Moonlight paws the ground "ha ha! You can't get!" Duststorm teased. Moonlight pins her ears and begins leaping up into the air trying to grab Duststorm's tail. She takes a third leap and snags Duststorm's tail in her teeth, "wow hey, what are you doing!?" Duststorm says as his wings flap more franticly but he was not strong enough to hold them both up. They both tumble down into the ground. Moonlight ends up on Duststorm's back. He shakes his head and starts laughing. Moonlight does too "see what happens when you cheat!" She snaps playfully. Duststorm nips at her playfully he never bit Moonlight as hard as he did Golden or Raincloud. Who happens to be trotting up to them, Moonlight gets off of Duststorm and nickers her greetings to Golden and Raincloud. She caught Golden's gaze there was something about him that was special. Raincloud a gray colt with black mane and tail nickers in delight. He rattles his light blue wings as he prances around "come on last one to Big Sky Lake is a walker!" He exclaims before taking off into the air fallowed by Duststorm. Golden gallops forward after them Moonlight fallows. Golden's gold body shines in the droplets of sunlight that dripped through the trees his white and black mane flowing in the air along with his tail. If it wasn't against Moonlight's unicorn nature she would consider him a handsome young colt. He was the tallest and smartest out of the small group of foals. The four of them race each other to Big Sky Lake. All but Moonlight jump right on into the now freezing lake. Moonlight notices that neither does Golden he walks up to her. "Aren't you going to swim Golden?" She asks. "No .... Not this time" he says. Moonlight tilts her head "why?" Golden stands there seeming a bit embarrassed "well .... It's just ya know ...... I just hate leaving you out of things ....." Golden says in a shy way. Moonlight looks away from him a bit embarrassed herself in Sky Herd she never made friends with the other foals because she was always around her father. Golden tags Moonlight's shoulder with his black wing tip "tag you're it!" He nickers before dashing off. She rears up in excitement and chases after him. A few minutes later some of the other foals from Sun Herd join in on the fun some splashed into the water with Raincloud and Duststorm others joined Moonlight's and Golden's game of tag. All was good until Moonlight suddenly collides with another filly. They both fall back onto the ground "Hey! Watch where you're going!" Exclaims the filly angrily. Moonlight gets up and shakes herself off of the dust "sorry I didn't see you there" Moonlight apologizes. The brown pinto filly shakes herself off as well she had light green wings. Some of her feathers fell off of her wings like leaves, she stomps her hoof on the ground and pins her ears. "Sorry won't help you!" She shouts. The pinto walks towards Moonlight, Moonlight backs away from her not wanting to fight. A white filly steps in between them "hey come on Angelleaf don't ruin our fun" she says wanting to move on with the game. "I'll continue to play as long as this one horned freak leaves" Angelleaf says coldly. Moonlight was hurt by her words "no way" the white filly says. "Moonlight's not a freak" she snaps. Angelleaf rolls her eyes she begins prancing around Moonlight "of course she is I mean look at her. She is scrawny compared to us" Angelleaf begins to point out. "The adults don't even like her, and when you think about it can you even blame them?" All of the foals have stopped playing now. "She shows up out of nowhere near the Grandmother Tree leading Mountain Herd steeds into our lands with probably more to come" she says. "And not to mention she has no Herd no parents and is supposed to be the one who will defeat Storm? You're out of your mind" Angelleaf finishes. Anger boiled up inside Moonlight until she whirls around and kicks Angelleaf right in the chest with her back hooves. She gasped as she falls back to the ground. Angelleaf staggers to her hooves and suddenly charges into Moonlight knocking her back she feels her back hoof give way to a crevice and Moonlight finds herself suddenly in the water. Her hooves squirm in the water as she sinks towards the bottom. Fish scurry out of her way the ice cold water paralyzed her though as bubbles form out of her nostrils. Moonlight's lungs began to burn she was almost out of air when suddenly she felt something grab her wings. She gets lored back up to the surface and dragged onto the sandy beach. Moonlight gaspes for air as water pours down her body. She shivers as cold air hits her body, "Moonlight are you okay?" A voice asks. When she looks it was Golden who was also soaked. Moonlight nods Angelleaf was already gone along with most of the foals except her friends of course. Duststorm, Raincloud and Golden snuggled up to Moonlight to try and get her warm of course it didn't really help when they too were soaked from swimming. "Ho-how c-can y-you g-guys sw-swim i-in such a co-cold l-lake?" Moonlight asks through chattering teeth. They settled down huttled up to each other under the warm sun. They all nicker slightly "because of our winter coats" Golden answers. After awhile when the foals got good and warm they ended up dosing off to sleep.

Later that night Moonlight trotted off to herself to the lake when she couldn't sleep. To her amazement she finds Golden fallowing her. He trots up beside her "why are you up so late?" Golden asks. They stand at the shoreline of Big Sky Lake. Moonlight looks down at the water. "I don't know .... I just feel like I don't belong here" Moonlight sighs. Golden snuggles his snout into her white mane that was still growing back out. "That's not true Moonlight, if you didn't belong here my father would have let you die the night he found you" Golden assures her. Moonlight swishes her tail around. For once in her life she felt happy to have a friend even if he is a Pegasus that didn't matter to Moonlight. "Thanks Golden" Moonlight says.

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