Chapter 11: Part 3: War

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Moonlight was now seven months old now she was finally becoming as tall as the other foals except for Golden of course. As tall his father was Moonlight wasn't surprised that Golden was taller than the other foals. Her and Golden were alone under the Grandmother Tree. "So what was your mother like?" Golden asks out of the blue. Moonlight stared at him she looks up towards the sky. Snow had began falling days ago covering the Meadow in a white blanket of snow. "She was nice and fun loving sort of .... Like Violet" Moonlight answers in a kind tone. Golden sighs "I still can't believe how cruel Earthquake is, my father says that's the way some pegasi are but ....." Golden's voice trails off. "I still wonder if my Herd ... Or what's left of them is even still alive" Golden perked his ears "Moonlight, we can help you free your Herd" Golden says with a gleam in his violet colored eyes. "No Golden ...." Moonlight sighs. Golden nudges her in the shoulder, he gets up and starts prancing around in the snow "I'm sure we could" he says with his head held high. "We? You mean Storm" Moonlight nickers. "Of course" Golden replies. Moonlight lays her head down in the snow. Golden walks up to her and touches snouts with her. Moonlight blushes, she shies away from him. She gallops off into the forest flicking her tail at him. Golden chases her around in the forest. Moonlight spreads her white wings and leaps into the air her flight feathers had grown back out and she can finally fly again she canters around Golden playfully. Her white mane and tail flowing through the air. Golden swishes his white and black tail around, be kicks off into the sky "how high can you fly?" He calls as he ascends over the treetops. Moonlight fallows him matching his altitude "just as high as you!" She calls back. They circle each other their feathers floating down onto the snowy ground. As they played the whinnies of the Herd catches their attention. Golden and Moonlight hover over the treetops next to each other matching their wing beats. 'What's going on?" Moonlight asks, Golden looks at her "I don't know" he says before flying towards his herd. "Golden wait!" Moonlight neighs she flies after him but suddenly two pegasi seize her by her wings she squeals as she tries to bite and kick at the foreign stallions. Golden circles around seeing his friend in trouble he bares his teeth he wasn't as tall or muscular as these two stallions but Moonlight saw Golden do something extraordinary his hooves glow a bright silver color as well as his eyes. Silver sparks, spark out of his jaws he opens his jaws and shoots a ball of silver Starfire at one of the stallions. The stallion let's go of Moonlight's wing and dives under the silver blast. The dark pull Moonlight had felt before came back to her but this time it made her feel weak. "Let her go!" He demands "or else I won't miss this time!" He adds quickly. The other stallion releases Moonlight, she shakes off the weak feeling and quickly flies behind Golden. They hover in front of them "how can this be? He's not even a black foal or a yearling for that matter!" One of them says. An Over-stallion battle cry pierces the sky and black feathers fall around the foals. The stallions eyes became white rimmed as Storm dives down in front of the foals. They take off emeditly at the sight of him. Storm, Moonlight and Golden land on the ground. "Golden! What have I told you about using the Starfire!" Storm scalds. Golden lowers his head tucking in his black wings the palomino did not respond to his father. "He was just protecting me!" Moonlight speaks up. "Please don't be mad at him" Moonlight says. Nothing more was said especially when they got to Sky Meadow. Most of Sun Herd Warriors were injured "what happened!?" Golden asks looking up at his father. "We were ambushed by Mountain Herd" Storm answers grimly. Storm lashes his tail furious Violet comes up to then "oh thank goodness hour alright, most of the foals are alright .... But a few are missing" Violet reports. "Who?" Storm asks, Violet seemed shaken by this attack she shakes her mane "we're missing Raincloud, Bravebird's colt, Angelleaf, Dawnberry's filly and Iceflame, Wintersun's  filly" Storm nods his head. He kicks off into the sky whinning for his good condition warriors to fallow him. Bravebird stayed behind for she too was injured. Her front leg was swollen "I'm sorry about Raincloud" Moonlight says to her. The mare pins her ears and lashes her tail angrily "this is not your fault, don't let the others tell you otherwise!" She says in a stern tone. Moonlight tries to help Violet with the injured as best as she could but some rejected her. "This is your fault, if you hadn't come here my filly wouldn't be in the clutches of Earthquake right now!" Dawnberry snaps at Moonlight. The pinto paws the ground at her, some of the steeds gather behind Dawnberry "we should turn you into Earthquake" Moonlight backs away from them as they get closer to her until she heard thundering hooves. Violet gallops in between Moonlight and the steeds "there will be no such thing!" She neighs at them fiercely she flares her nostrils at them. The steeds back away from her. Moonlight fell to the ground tears fell from her eyes Golden lays down in front of her and wraps his neck around her's for comfort. Violet was surprised to see how close Golden was to Moonlight. She saw a very special future in their relationship but a forbidden one as well. For a unicorn and Pegasus cannot be mates due to the war that separated them one hundred years ago.

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