Chapter 13

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Coldness stung Moonlight's body her eyes popped open but she could only see darkness. Her lungs burned for air as she squirmed around in this cold darkness that she could not breath in. Pain shot through her leg as she tries to squeal in pain bubbles form out of her mouth and nostrils. 'Water! I'm in water!' She looks up to the surface. She feels her body hit the muddy bottom of the lake. Black spots covers Moonlight's vision and once again she was in total darkness. In this darkness Moonlight finds Whitestar 'Whitestar?' The White mare's spirit was glowing everso brightly evaporating the darkness that surrounds Moonlight. "I won't let you die!" Whitestar proclaims. Moonlight's entire body began to glow white. Whitestar touches her horn to Moonlight's what appeared to be white colored lightning surges into Moonlight's body.  She could feel the White Star surging through her.

(Up above) Golden canters around the now glowing lake. He was amazed at the sight of it as it grew brighter he had to look away from it. 'What's happening?' He wondered. He peers up at the White Star as it suddenly explodes across the night sky. All of the pegasi in Sun Herd stopped fighting. Golden notices that the steeds slowly gathered around the lake. Darkness filled the night as the glowing in the lake fades away. Golden lands in on the shoreline of the lake, 'what happened? Did that mean .... She's dead?' Tears began to fill Golden's eyes. Long moments pasted before Golden gets yanked back from the lake by his mother. A white streak if lightning strikes down into the lake. White sparks spark across the ice. Golden felt an electrifying deep inside of him. The ice busts as a white glowing figure shoots out of the lake. It was Moonlight her body had white sparks running across. Golden kneels down at the sight of her the other pegasi fallow his actions. Moonlight lands before them "I am going to Mountain Herd, anyone who cares to join me may" she announces. Moonlight shoots up into the sky, most of the Herd fallowed her. Golden was right behind her as they flew across the canyons.

Moonlight could hardly contain the White Star's power that energized her on the inside. They reach Mountain Herd Moonlight sees Storm and Earthquake standing each other off. "Stop!" She neighs out loudly. Moonlight lands in between them, Storm steps towards her. He had some bleeding cuts on his chest but they didn't seem to bother him. Moonlight pins her ears and turns her attention towards Earthquake who had a few cuts himself. "Stop this fighting!" She demands. Earthquake paws the ground, "I see you've received your powers, white foal" he snares. "Now you can fight the black foal" he points out. He lifts his head up high "you remember our little deal don't you?" He asks. Moonlight looks back at Storm he perks his ears. Moonlight could feel the intense power of the Starfire. Moonlight swishes her glowing tail around. 'I'm not strong enough' she realizes immediately 'YES! That's what I failed to realize when I fought Nightfall all those years ago, I'm glad that you did not make the same mistake I did Moonlight' Whitestar says. 'What should I do now?' Moonlight asks. 'You must do what you feel is right' Whitestar replies softly. Moonlight closed her eyes and recapped on everything that's happened. Her and her Herd were captured by Mountain Herd she was bullied by the foals and would have had to fight Storm on Earthquake's terms. She has lost both her mother and father but she has made good friends that are willing to help her through anything. A slight winter breeze drifts through her hair. She takes a deep breath and opens her silver eyes, she turns her attention back towards Earthquake. "I will not fight Storm" she protests. "He is not the threat in Anok, you are" furious Earthquake charges at Moonlight. But his movements shift into slow motion as Moonlight focuses on him every detail of Earthquake's movements were sought out. She could hear every one of his hooves hit the solid stone ground. Moonlight gallops out of his attacking range and leaps onto a high ledge overlooking Earthquake. At that moment everything seemed to speed back up to normal as Earthquake slides to a halt. Moonlight takes in heavy breaths as she tries to readjust to reality. Earthquake looks over to were she was he seemed to not be able to wrap his head around what just happened and neither could all of the other pegasi or Moonlight herself. Moonlight pins her ears at Earthquake "you are no match for me" she snares at him. Earthquake stamps his hoof on the hard stone ground, he flares his black wings and charges at her again ears pinned teeth bared. This time everything was in normal speed. Moonlight's horn glowed a bright white color as lightning surges into it. Moonlight charges out at Earthquake her horn clashes with his chest piercing into his heart. White sparks spark across Earthquake's body burning him. He disintegrates into ashes slowly. When his body disintegrated completely the pegasi were speechless. Earthquake's ashes blow away in the wind. Guilt stung Moonlight's heart, she looks around at all of the frighten faces. Moonlight spreads her white wings and kicks off into the night sky. Wing beats fallow in behind her when she looks behind her it was not pegasi but instead what remains of Sky Herd. But there was one pegasi in the group that flies up beside Moonlight. Moonlight stops to hover in front of him "no Golden, you cannot fallow me this time" she says sternly. Golden hovers a few wing lengths in front of her "where are you going?" He asks. "I'm going back to my homeland Golden, I'm .... Too dangerous to stay here in Anok" she explained tears swelling up in her eyes. There was something special about Golden that she liked. She hated the fact that she had to say goodbye to her best friend knowing that there's little chances that they'll see each other again. The palomino colt nickers softly "I'm coming with you" he says. Moonlight's heart jumped at his words "what! Golden it is forbidden ..." Before she could finish her sentence Raincloud and Duststorm fly up to her as well "hey! We're coming too!" Duststorm exclaims. Moonlight looked at her three friends seeing that there was no talking them out of this madness. Moonlight accepted that fact and took the lead of the small group of unicorns plus three pegasi. What would happen next Moonlight wasn't sure, she still felt the dark cold feeling only it wasn't from Anok. It was coming from somewhere else. What was this dark feeling that kept haunting Moonlight? Could it be the legendary Nightfall the previous black foal that was marked as the Destroyer of Anok? Moonlight wasn't willing to find out so she tried to block the dark feeling out and tried to just enjoy the ocean breeze that swept into her hair.

(This is the end of this story I will be working on the next one I hope you enjoyed this story. I thank all of my followers and readers for reading this)

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