cuddly katelyn › aphmau's mystreet

91 3 10

ships › katemau
genre › fluff
prompt › person a, someone who isn't usually into cuddling and the lot, is suddenly extremely cuddly after returning from a friend's house.
part number › part one of 'cuddly katelyn'
warnings › some strong language, but that's about it
notes › this will take place in aphmau's point of view. there is also a song involved in this one shot.

requested by Elexel

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i was sitting at home, curled up on the couch in pajamas with celestia, watching some once upon a time. katelyn would have been here too, but my blue haired girlfriend was hanging with nicole and lucinda. at least, she was. she might have gone elsewhere, no idea. but back to the point. i was sitting on the couch of our house with celestia, when the door was suddenly swung open, revealing katelyn and nicole. nicole opened the door, katelyn walked in, nicole closed the door and i could hear her booking it down the sidewalk. katelyn still stood by the doorway, but when she caught a glimpse of me sitting on the sofa, she raced over and sat beside me, almost immediately cuddling into my side.

"hey, uh... katelyn, are you okay? you're never usually this cuddly, even when one of us is sick..." i asked her, and my only reply was a soft exhale of a breath and her tightening her grip around my waist. she was literally cuddled half into my side, her head resting on my hip and her arms wrapped around my waist. i sighed, resting a hand on her head and continued trying to watch the tv, with her grip strangling me just slightly more every time I moved. sure, i liked a cuddly katelyn but this was just flat out weird. she wasn't ever this cuddly. i reached down after a while, peeling her arms from around me, only for her to whimper and pull away.

she scooted closer to me, and i thought she was just gonna lean against me like usual, but no... she just had to pull me into her lap. she had her legs crossed up on the couch cushion, and had me sitting in the hole her legs made. i gave up after a few minutes of struggling against her and relaxed, leaning back against her chest. i rested my head on her shoulder, but shifted around so we would both be more comfortable and ended up with my head in the crook of her neck. She snaked her arms around my chest, her arms ending up just below my heart area. i snuggled back into her, actually enjoying this, surprisingly enough. just because i enjoyed it didn't mean i wasn't still confused about why she was acting like this, but i wouldn't question it. it didn't get me any further the first time either though, so might as well enjoy this cuddliness while it lasted. she probably would be back to normal by morning.

a short episode or two turned into a marathon, and we ended up re-watching like half the show. every once in a while i ended up turning my neck and giving her a peck on the cheek or lips. after a while of this, she took to planting kisses all over my head, moving one of her hands to intertwine our fingers. i decided to video it on my phone for a minute or two for keeping as either blackmail or to aww at later. by the time one of us yawned, which was actually me, we had gone through a few hours worth of time. i smiled sleepily, trying to wiggle myself from her grip. i managed to do so successfully after a minute, and she whined, wanting me to return to our cuddle session. i just shook my head, moving to grab the remote. i paused the tv and turned it off, brushing messy black hair out of my face.

"come on katelyn, we can go cuddle in bed." i mumbled, my eyes half closed and my footsteps becoming stumbles. she shot up immediately, yawned, and followed me up to our bedroom. we had moved out of our place with kawaii~chan once things in our relationship became 'serious,' if you know what i mean. i shoved the bedroom door open, heading over to our bed and flopping down on it, on my side of course, with my head on the pillow and pulling the sheets messily over myself.

katelyn glanced at me on the bed, stripping down and changing quickly into more suitable clothing for sleeping, then climbed in with me. i rolled over so i was facing her, and she rolled onto her side, though she was still facing me. she pulled me toward her, wrapping her arms around me in a comfortable position, and slipping her legs around mine. i snuggled into her chest, leaning up to give her one last goodnight kiss, and she returned it, our lips fitting like puzzle pieces and the usual spark that was always there shocking the both of us, but gently. i settled down once more and fell asleep quickly, hearing katelyn whisper a soft, "i love you aph," as i drifted off.

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