• man of my dreams ∞ syndicho •

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ship:: syndico (Syndicate × iiJeriichoii)
type:: fluffy!
song:: none. it's video based. thanks to my friend for sending it to me.
parts:: one
a/n:: oh dear, this is a new ship.


the party had been great. everyone there had an amazing time, and i was even able to convince jordan and sonja to come. those two never come to parties, and whenever tom and i throw one, sonja heads over to jordan's place and they do god knows what. the two are practically inseparable. the only reason jordan came was because i may or may not have guilt tripped sonja into coming and jordan tagged along. like i said, the party was great. the cleaning up afterward though, was not so fun. "cya tom, cya tucker!" jordan and sonja called back at the same time as they left. why sonja left with jordan, i dunno. she lives here with tom and i. we tried to convince jordan to move in, but he claimed we're 'to loud.' thinking about it, wag had said the same thing when we offered him a place in our household.

as soon as the door was heard closing, tom came through the doorway, into the kitchen, to help me clean. everything was silent for a while, not really an awkward one though, until tom left the room and returned with a small radio. turning it on, he began to play music, humming along with most of the songs that came on and occasionally doing a little dance. it was kinda cute. "what was that tucker?" tom turned to look at me, a worried look in his eyes. i said that out loud, didn't i? "hm? i didn't say anything." i answered, trying to sound confused and innocent. "yeah, you did. just a second ago." i just shook my head and shrugged, and it seemed as though tom dropped the subject.

we spent another twenty or so minutes cleaning before the silence that had, once more, fallen over is was broken by tom. "you know that girl, martha?" he asked, and i sent him a confused look. he then started listing off features that were recognisable. "purple hair, her mom is ianite, she used to date steve?" it took another minute but i nodded slightly and glanced over at him. he fell silent and both of us stopped moving. "i kinda like her." at that moment my heart stopped, pretty much shattering. i had a crush on him, and it had grown to a little more than a crush over the past year or two. "you like martha?" i whispered, and he looked at me like i was crazy. "is that not okay?" he returned quietly, the two of us turning to look at each other. "n-no, no.. it's fine." i replied, getting ready to continue with my cleaning.

"tucker. something is wrong. i can tell. what is it?" he demanded, grabbing my wrist before i could move another inch. the music was still playing in the background, and i shook my head quickly, my eyes wide as i met his gaze. if he was worried before, he was genuinely concerned now. "its obviously something if you, of all people, are stuttering." he started again, his grip on my wrist loosening on my wrist. i pulled my arm away and shook my head again, murmuring out a small, "its nothing, don't worry about it." tom still looked skeptical, but didn't push any further.

we were still cleaning around half an hour later, and i muttered out something that i didn't think tom would hear. "its not everyday you find out the man of your dreams has a crush on another person." but it appeared tom heard me, as he turned to me with eyes as wide as dinner plates. i moved away from him, but he came closer, getting fairly close to my face. it made me uncomfortable, but I loved it at the same time. "the man of your dreams? who are you talking about? is it me? or..?" he questioned, glancing around him, then returning his eyes to my face. i must have been tomato red by this point. "it is me!" tom exclaimed, and then leaned in and kissed me quickly on the lips. W
wait. he just... he just kissed me. on the lips. if my face wasn't bright red then, it was now.

he grinned, leaning in again and kissing me, though this one was longer. i returned it this time, my eyes fluttering shut, and he rested his forehead against mine when he pulled away. "say it again." tom requested, but j was in too much bliss to realize what he meant, so i just hummed out a soft, "hm," and my eyes opened once more. "say it again." His voice was deep when he spoke this time, deep and gravelly, and it sounded so amazing to me. i was able to process what he wanted this time around and pecked him on the lips, and began to speak. "you're the man of my dreams." i whispered, my eyes shutting again as he pushed me up against the counter. hard.

his lips connected to mine once more and one of my arms slid up to wrap around his neck, both of his sliding down to rest on my hips as we kissed. it was amazing, and it must have been around a minute until we pulled away for breath. i was panting softly, as was tom, and everything was perfect. he leaned in once more and i met him half way this time, feeling his arms pull me in, so i was flush against his body. when we broke apart, i smiled a bit and tom grinned down at me. "forget about martha. i love you." he whispered, resting his forehead against mine once again. "love you too, tom." i replied, giving him another quick peck on the lips. lets just say, that kitchen didn't get cleaned up, and neither did the rest of the house. tom and i spent the rest of the day in each other's arms, cuddling, kissing, exchanging hugs. it was great.

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