update.. › not a oneshot

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hhhhhhh... let's start off with an apology.

i am so sorry. i've been wanting to update, i swear, it's just.. life has been rough. even more so than usual. school is almost out for the summer, but it's not just been a struggle with school. i've been having trouble keeping myself composed in front of people. along with this issue, comes the fact that my lack of composure around others also brings my self esteem down drastically. and not to mention having a fight with one of my friends, where i was called many, many things, i'm back to square one with self esteem and self image. my friends had been helping me build myself up, whether they know it or not, and then all the sudden this wave of negativity comes and attacks me, and i'm back to square one with everything.

i'll try my best to update in the future, in this book and my texting book, but i'm all sure we know the feeling of writers block. but in the mean time, while i'm trying to get myself built back up before someone notices, enjoy another book that i made? it's just a bunch of youtube and twitch streaming fandoms i'm in, going to high school. there's no real plot to it, just complete randomness. so uh, go feel to check it out? if you want.

now let's talk about the recent change to my account. i don't know if you've seen, but my username, name, both images, and the description on my account has been changed, as well as the look of most of my books. i'm working on slowly editing this mess of a book as well, but it's tedious work writing everything the way i want it. i'm fairly sure my style of writing won't change for a long while, so there isn't much to change after i get everything changed up and fixed to my liking (i say that and i'll have a new writing style by tomorrow lmao).

so uh.. yeah. that's about it. if you have any questions, concerns, or wanna just talk, or something like that, feel free to either talk to me here or in pm. yeah.. cya. <3

will / aurus

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