Cuddly Katelyn ( 2 )

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Requested by Nerd_gal101

Ship: Katemau, again. It is a part two after all.
Type: I'm not even sure what to call this. Its just funny I guess?
A/N: Its part two to Cuddly Katelyn. Aphmau and Katelyn find out why Katelyn was so cuddly and Aphmau has to hold Katelyn back so she doesn't murder someone.


Katelyn's POV

Lucinda is so dead. Whatever she did to me, she's gonna pay for it, her and Nicole. She probably knew about it too. I stormed out the front door, racing down the front steps and toward Lucinda's house. We were supposed to have a sleep over, I was going to ask Aphmau and then I don't remember anything except waking up in bed after that. I was mad, and someone was most likely going to die. Aphmau was following me, I could hear her footsteps from behind. I picked up the pace, intent on getting to Lucinda's place before Nicole left so I could murder both of them.

When I reached the front door, I didn't bother knocking. I didn't bother even turning the handle. I walked right into the door, yanking it from the hinges and it hit the floor with a loud thud. And by loud, I mean, I heard two screams from somewhere in the house and one of the guys scream, "You get 'em Katelyn!" We still did live nearby, just a little further down the road then before. "Lucinda, Nicole, get your asses in here!" I yelled, fists clenched as Aphmau poked her head over my shoulder to watch. I heard two more girly screams and then the two red heads ran into the room, eyes wide with regret.

"U-Urm, Katelyn? W-What did you need?" Lucinda choked out, staring at her feet. "You know exactly what I need. What the hell did you do to me?" I demanded, taking a step forward. Aph grabbed my arm, to hold me back just in case things got out of hand. I glanced back to see her texting someone on her phone too. "W-What do you mean?" Nicole asked, trying to sound innocent though I could tell she wasn't. "What. Did. You. Do. To. Me." I growled, my frown growing. "It was just a potion!" Lucinda finally gave, and I think she was honestly scared for her life.

"It was just a WHAT?!" I shouted, running at both of the red headed girls, only to be held back by like, 6 sets of hands. I was still struggling to get to them, hissing things like, "Let me at them," and, "Why those little bitches deserve it," when I took the time to look back at who was holding me back. I was surprised to find Garroth, Laurence, Dante, Travis, Aphmau, and Aaron behind me, trying to drag me backward. Surprisingly enough, I was winning the fight. The second Aaron's hands slipped though, it all ended and I was on top of Nicole and Lucinda, a hand on each of their throats as they lay on the floor with me on top of them. Their hands dug at my wrists, trying to get me to let go.

"Katelyn!" Aphmau shrieked, racing forward to try and drag me off. I could see the colour draining from Nicole and Lucinda's faces. The five guys made no attempt to help, other than Travis's weak, "You should get off of them now Katelyn." When they began to gasp desperately for breath is when I let go, but I didn't stand up. "Have you two learned your lesson about splashing potions on me?" I asked sternly, as if I was scolding a child. Nicole nodded her head yes quickly but Lucinda just sat silently. "Lucinda...." I growled, and her eyes widened and she nodded just as quickly as the other red head, if not faster.

I stood up, having Aphmau drag me back toward the door. And by drag, I mean she pulled on my arm and I followed her. "Have fun fixing your door Lucinda, because I'm not paying for it~." I called in a sing song voice as the two stared dumbfounded as our small group of 7 walked back toward our house. "So what now?" Dante spoke up from beside Aaron, who had pulled the blue haired boy into his side. Yes, they were dating. And Garroth and Laurence were dating, as well as Travis and Zane. Honestly, I think Lucinda and Nicole are dating and maybe even Kawaii~Chan and Michi.

"How does a movie sound to you guys? At our place?" Aphmau offered, glancing over at the five guys as she cuddled into my side. "Yeah sure, should it just be us seven?" Laurence asked, his fingers intertwined with Garroth's. "Us seven plus Zane. Travis needs his cuddle buddy, and we all know Zane isn't busy with anything." I answered, nudging Aphmau so she would get out her phone and ask Zane to come over for movie night. She got the message, pulling out her phone and texting the emo Travis dater to, "get your ass over to Katelyn and I's place now, you little nugget." Hey, I'm just quoting her words. There was a soft ding moments later and she glanced down then back up, smiling like an idiot. "Your boyfriend is coming over soon Travis. He will always be your boyfriend, but he will forever be my little nugget." She exclaimed, throwing her hands up and almost chucking her phone. She stuffed it back in her pocket and ran up to our front door, opening of for everyone.

We had to wait all of five minutes for Zane to arrive, and we used that time to make popcorn, drinks, and snacks. When we sat down, it took what felt like forever to pick a movie, and we finally picked one, Dante was half asleep on Aaron. He was nudged awake and pulled into Aaron's lap by said man. We had agreed on a movie called *insert movie title here* and were only halfway through the beginning commercial things when Dante fell asleep in Aaron's lap. He didn't bother waking him, and at this point Zane was in Travis's lap and Laurence in Garroth's. Gaurence looked comfortable, as did Daaron, but Zane looked slightly uncomfortable sitting in Travis's lap. "Um, Travis, you have a little... ah... problem..." Zane coughed awkwardly just before the movie started, making everyone snicker and Travis blush.

Around the middle of the movie, Aaron moved himself and Dante to one of the couches and then fell asleep with Dante sleeping on his chest. Laurence was dozing off, and Garroth was already asleep, leaning against Laurence. I shrugged, and we continued watching the movie. After another 10 minutes, both Gaurence and Zanvis were out cold, and both Aphmau and I were yawning. "Ugh, Katelyn, I'm tired. Lets just fall asleep down here with Daaron, Gaurence, and Zanvis, and make this a sleep over movie night." Aphmau complained, before falling victim to another yawn. I paused the movie and turned the TV off, kissing Aphmau on the forehead and leaning back against the couch. She leaned back on my chest, and we both fell asleep almost instantly. All I remember was Aphmau whispering a soft, "I love you," before everything faded into darkness.



Well, my one - shots keep getting shorter. This was part two, also requested by Nerd_gal101, as we are IRL friends and can talk to each other, well IRL I guess. My arms hurt AGAIN, and it's 12:30. I just want to say I hate all of you for making me love writing this much and that you'll get another one - shot Sunday. Oh, and plz request, I'm all outta ideas.

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