insanity › the pack

48 4 7

ships › merome
genre › angsty
prompt › none.
part number › part one of 'insanity'
warnings › self harm, attempted suicide, blood
notes › if you find any other warning that you believe should be added, please tell me. i want to ensure that all readers know exactly what they are getting into so that they can avoid anything that might be triggering or offensive.

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letting out a soft giggle, the small brunette dug through the bathroom drawer, pulling out the shiny, silver object. now, before you get the wrong idea, mitch had no intentions of harming anyone but himself. stress was getting to him, and his depression was overwhelming. the cruel, heartless comments on his videos were getting more frequent and harsh. and worst of all, he felt as if he had lost all of his friends. sure, the pack still existed, and everyone was still a part of it. but for how much longer? none of them really recorded together other than preston and rob, but even they were falling out and recording with each other less.
shaking his head roughly to drag himself from his thoughts, deciding he had stalled for long enough, mitch pressed the sharp blade against his wrist, making a thin slit. he hissed softly, but didn't stop. the pain was euphoric. he made hundreds upon hundreds of the tiny, thin slices on both wrists. despite the lack of deepness to the cuts, blood was beading and spilling like there was no tomorrow. at this rate, there might not be for the brunette boy. the puddle of red that pooled at his feet was increasing with each second passing. he was beginning to feel lightheaded, and his entire body was shaking slightly.
a sudden knocking on his front door interrupted his little session, but he didn't seem to notice, or if he did, he didn't care. the knock sounded again, and he just continued to slice away. his vision was blurring, and he could feel his body swaying. maybe he could end it before they got to him, his thoughts told him, who ever the person at the door was. the amber eyed boy heard what sounded like a shout of his name, but he wasn't sure anymore. the blade slid from between his fingers and hit the tile floor with a soft 'chink' sound. mitch stood there, swaying precariously, hearing his front door swinging open and hit the wall with a muffled bang.
there was more shouting, but he couldn't make any of it out at this point. his vision was spotting with black, and his body was shaking violently. then his legs gave out and he hit the floor with a somewhat loud thump. again, more shouting, but louder this time. he could vaguely hear doors being opened, voices, and footsteps. they were getting closer. he was drifting on the edge of unconsciousness, and he could feel the sticky, wet feel of his own blood beneath him. it was odd, but nice and somewhat comforting.
and suddenly the bathroom door was open, and a figure was standing above him. the figure was blurred, but it was obvious when it dropped down and yelled for who ever else was in his house. four more people appeared behind the first soon after, with mingled gasps. mitch's vision had faded completely, leaving him blind, and he was relying on his sense of hearing.
"stay with us mitch! preston, call an ambulance. rob, i need a little bit of help moving him out of his own blood. lachlan, i want you outside and waiting for the ambulance. vik, talk to him. keep him awake. if he goes to sleep, he's as good as dead." was that jerome? and rob? preston? lachlan? vik? weren't those people his friends? the amber eyed boy didn't really know.
he was blinking, he knew he was, but he couldn't see anything. and he could hear the clear british accent in the voice that spoke to him, trying to keep him awake. after a moment, he could feel himself being picked up fairly gently and set down on something soft. his breathing was slowing down, and his eyes dropped shut. he wasn't asleep yet. he wanted to be. "mitch, you can't go to sleep. you'll die." vik stated, and he could feel what he had determined was his bed dip down beside his head. the small, thin hand of the british boy was carding through his hair and he sighed, shifting around a bit. "it would be a lie if i said that this wasn't my goal." mitch murmured, his breathing continuously getting slower as he passed out. vik began to freak out, and he kept glancing over at jerome and rob with a panicked look in his eyes.
preston raced into the room, ready to state that the ambulance was on its way, when he noticed mitch out cold. he stayed calmer than vik and jerome did, but rob was overall the calmest. sirens could be heard just down the street, and minutes later, paramedics rushed into the room with lachlan in tow. the man and woman laid mitch on one of the stretchers, then rushed from the room, telling the other boys that they could follow in their cars, but they most likely wouldn't be able to see him for a while.

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