• poison ∞ vikklan •

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ship:: vikklan
type:: angsty..?
song:: none
parts:: one
a/n:: i'm dead inside.


grinning slightly, the taller boy approached the smaller, blue eyes showing no emotion whatsoever. "how can someone love something like me, vik..? i'm dead inside." the blonde shot out with venom, stopping when he stood a few feet from the other. this 'vik' had once been the insane boy's lover, the only one that could stand all of his issues. you see, the blonde, or otherwise known as lachlan, had insomnia, a mild eating disorder, bipolar, depression, anxiety... you name it, he more than likely had it.
"i'm poison vik. my touch is deadly." lachlan whispered to the other, his voice barely audible in the room. then everything fell silent. the only thing you could hear was vik's heavy breathing, and lachlan's quick, small ones. then the blue eyed boy began to giggle, a smirk forming on his face. "my love is just like death itself." lachlan hissed, staring the shorter in the eyes. his pools of blue were empty and dull, and there was a pained look in them.
"la-lachlan...?" vik murmured, staring up in horror at the insanity that had overtaken his boyfriend, and best friend. everyone had predicted it. lachlan would snap eventually. most of them thought it meant he would find a way to kill himself. never in a million years did anyone think this would happen. and it was terrifying. truly and honestly terrifying. "why do you love me, vik..? you could get so much better than this monster of a person."
it didn't even sound as if lachlan was talking anymore. the voice speaking had the same accent and such, but it sounded so defeated. so broken. and, as much as he hated to admit it, so dead. the blonde boy sounded like someone was talking for him, controlling everything he said, thought, and did. and there pretty much was. lachlan was ready to give up. he had been a while ago, but didn't, for vik's sake. but the poor boy finally snapped.. he lost his mind, sanity, and every other sense that allowed him to think rationally.
lachlan took another step forward, making vik take another backward. the smaller boy was backed against a wall at this point, and in the corner. the blonde's grin spread, and he took another step, reaching over and running his fingers along vik's jawline. "such a wonderful boyfriend you were to me." lachlan whispered, keeping eye contact with his former lover.
"lachlan? what're you doing...?" vik was gaining confidence by the minute. the blue eyed boy seemed to gain control for a few seconds, as his eyes shone with love and compassion as he murmured, "you should run now vik." then whatever had consumed him took over and his eyes emptied once more. taking a step aside, the shell of his boyfriend smirked, gesturing toward the door.
and vik ran. he did just as sane lachlan asked. if that was his boyfriend's last wishes before he lost it completely, that's what he would do. tears were streaming down his face as he raced from their old bedroom and toward the steps. he could hear lachlan follow slowly, and he turned to glance back at the boy he once loved for a heartbeat. the blonde was standing at the top of the stairs, grinning like the cheshire cat, his hands folded in front of him. as vik ran, he called after him.

"bye bye vikky, it's for the best you leave anyways. i am poison after all..."


i am proud of this. be proud of me.

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