• horror games ∞ pooflan •

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ship:: pooflan ( MrWoofless × Lachlan × TBNRFrags )
type:: fluffy and cute i guess.
song:: none
parts:: one. this is all you get, i'm sorry.
a/n:: its cute, but eh. could have been better written. also, mentions of panic attacks, figured i would mention it just in case?


everything was peaceful in the house that the three lovers shared, with rob being in the living room on the sofa, book in hand. he had no idea what the other two were up to at the moment. well.. he had a small idea. he remembered the youngest of the three, lachlan, saying that they were heading up to preston's office, preston being the third male in the relationship of course, to record a video together. it didn't worry him much, even though the two of them together was bound to end up being a complete mess at some point. it hadn't turned to shit yet, so he wasn't gonna worry until it did. he had been able to read without a peep being heard from the other two boys, even though both were fairly loud when recording. he probably should've looked into their silence if he was honest with himself, but his book was good and he didn't want to put it down yet. everything was quiet, and rob was glad for once. he loved the other brunette and the blonde boy dearly, but them being loud constantly got a little old.

his thoughts were disrupted by one very girly scream and an inhuman sounding screech. the sounds led him to believe the others were in some immediate danger, as he had never heard either of those sounds leave preston nor lachlan's lips. ever. standing up quickly, rob tossed his book onto the soft cushion of the sofa he was previously sitting on, his feet dragging him up the steps just as quickly as he had stood, if not faster. when he arrived outside of preston's office, which was just down the hall from the steps, he flung the door open, expecting to be met with something far different than what he was.

the two males were clinging to each other for dear life, having quite obviously sat in the same chair to record whatever it was they were recording. and the game they were playing, you might ask? fnaf 4. those unmanly and very inhuman sounds had been caused by a horror game that wasn't even that scary in his opinion. the chair the two were sitting in was tipped, so they were really just laying on the floor, but still in the chair in a way. the position was quite amusing, and rob glanced back up at the computer to see the screen that clearly showed they had been jumpscared and that starting the night over was inevitable. lachlan appeared to be hyperventilating, and preston just looked like a deer in headlights.

picking the chair back up (with both of his boyfriends in it, mind you), rob began to run his fingers through lachlan's hair to calm him down, and rub preston's shoulder gently. preston was the first to snap out of whatever trance the game had put the pair in, and began to also calm the other down. lachlan was already fairly calm, but they knew horror games really messed with him, so it was better safe than sorry.

"are you alright lachy?" preston murmured in his ear, the texan's hand currently running up and down his back soothingly, and lachlan was finally calm enough to give a small nod in answer to the question. all of the sudden, the blonde began to giggle uncontrollably. preston and rob exchanged a look, one of complete confusion, before returning their gazes back to the youngest.

"i can-can't believe i said y-yes to playing this game." lachlan choked out in between giggles, bending forward in the chair as he began to laugh harder. preston snorted, shaking his head and rob rolled his eyes.

"that fuc- fudged, that fudged me up." the australian corrected himself quickly when preston glared at him. even though they could say whatever they wanted in the privacy of their own home, preston insisted they avoid cussing unless it was for lachlan's second channel. even then, preston preferred if he didn't cuss when in recordings with him, and that he didn't yell too loudly when they weren't recording together. there had been a few times when both the blonde and other brunette had slipped up, said a few words when not recording.. sure, preston wasn't happy, but he couldn't stay mad at the pair of them, no matter how much he wanted to.

it took a minute for lachlan to calm down from his laughing fit, in which rob had picked up one of the things that had, most likely, been pushed off of preston's desk. preston just sat there next the the younger, ruffling his blonde locks.

"well, now we've gotta start over." preston sighed, a frown appearing on his face. it had honestly scared him as well, obviously, but he didn't have full on panic attacks sometimes like lachlan did. "ah, how about you two take a break, come eat something, and then you can go back to recording. i'll even come join you if you want. i can pull my chair in from my office. you two can share the chair again, i guess?" rob interrupted, standing by the door with his hands on his hips. lachlan nodded slightly at the idea, standing up and pulling preston up with him.

the pair took a minute or two to stop the recording, with lachlan complaining about how he would have to edit that out for a second, before they walked over to rob. "i'm sorry rob, but you sound like my mom." preston snickered, running past the eldest male and tugging lachlan down the stairs with him. "its true!" the blonde yelled back up the steps.

rob shook his head, but a grin was present on his face. as much as the younger two acted like idiots, he still loved them. he was glad he and preston decided to ask lachlan to join their relationship. sure, it took awhile for them all to adjust, especially lachlan, who had never really been in a serious relationship before, let alone a serious relationship with two other people instead of one, but they all loved each other.

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