Friends..? Heh... Criminals...

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Ship: None. Bois, bois, bois, there ain't a ship. Deal with it.
Type: Uh, not fluffy or angst. Its really just based off the lovely song above!
A/N: Brandon is friends with Mitch, Jerome, Rob, Preston, Vikk, and Lachlan, and all seven are criminals. But Brandon, being the youngest, still has friends from high school and they ask about where he is all the time. No one knows he's the criminal The Slime.
Side Note: This is just another filler, though it's pretty long. Should satisfy you for a bit longer. These random fillers were to make up for the two weeks or so with no updates.


Brandon's POV

With a sigh, I wandered down the sidewalk with Preston, us having been sent for groceries for the rest of them. We were really the only ones no one knew were criminals anymore, other than Lachlan, but Lachlan went with me last week. We were on our way home, the house that Preston, Lachlan, and I shared so that we were closer to places like the store. The others just popped in occasionally for food and supplies, sometimes staying the night but not usually, they stayed in the woods outside of town that were accessible from our home. Anyways, on our way back, I saw some familiar faces across the street and ducked beside Preston, where they hopefully wouldn't be able to see me. The brunette gave me a questioning look and I just nodded toward the group of Mat, Choco, and Kenny. He just gave a soft, "Ahh," and tried his best to hide me from their sight. They all knew that those three were some of my friends from high school that I still hung out with from time to time.

It seemed luck was against us though, as they spotted me, booking it across the street toward me. Just great. I smiled shyly, staring at the ground as if nothing was wrong and I was regular old Brandon from high school. I actually kinda feel bad for Preston, I told Mat, Choco, and Kenny that the Pack were all polygamist dads that raised me. Oh well, they would have found out anyways.

"Hey Brandon!" Choco exclaimed cheerfully, getting a soft, "Hey," from me. Preston elbowed me in the side and I huffed, glaring at him. "Oh, this must be one of your dads? Which one?" Mat asked, directing his question slightly toward Preston. The Texan looked surprised, staring down at me with a confused look in his eyes and I just coughed awkwardly. "Mat, Choco, Kenny, this is one of my six dads, Preston." I mumbled, crossing my arms as Preston snorted quietly and nodded. They each greeted him politely, and he took to few bags I had, walking toward the house. "Its alright Brandon, hang out with your friends, the others will understand." Preston told me, carrying the groceries effortlessly. I sighed, rubbing an arm and staring around the group. "So what are you guys doing out here?" I questioned, shifting my footing.

"Just wandering around, nothing big." Kenney answered, stuffing his hands in his jeans pockets. "We should let you help Preston. Its getting dark too. We're a bit busy anyways, bye Brandon. It was nice seeing you!" Mat spoke, the other two looking really confused. "No we-.." Mat cut Choco off quickly by covering his mouth. I raised an eyebrow, looking over at Kenny. "Yes we are, we have to go do the thing!" Mat muttered, and Choco's eyes widened, him nodding. "Come on Kenny!" Choco almost yelled, dragging the still very confused boy away by his wrist. I shrugged, stuffing my hands in my hoodie pocket and began walking back toward the house.


Mat's POV

Our plan was to follow Brandon home, but we would just watch for a while. No one had ever seen his house or his dads, Preston was the first we had ever seen. He didn't look like he knew we were following, so we continued until we reached a very secluded neighborhood at the edge of town and he turned around suspiciously. Kenny, Choco, and I ducked behind another house, and he walked on for a bit longer. At this point, it was pretty dark out. Brandon stopped outside a large cream coloured house, glancing around before he opened the door and stepped in. We slid right up along the side of his house, and could hear faint voices inside. We couldn't make out what they were saying, but we heard thumping of feet going up stairs and a door shoved open. It was right above us too. Must be Brandon's room. The window in his room was opened and Kenny moved to see a little better, able to see Brandon sitting on his window ledge.

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