Pokemon Hunting

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Ship: Pooflan
Type: Just really cute Pokemon hunting.
A/N: Preston, Lachlan, and Rob go Pokemon hunting while the Texan and Canadian are in Australia. ( Is Pokemon GO out in Canada? ) This is a filler chapter. Not the big one.


Lachlan's POV

"Hey, Preston, Rob?!" I yelled from upstairs, in our bedroom. I got a loud, "WHAT," then another before I spoke again. "Pokemon hunting?" I called, and I swore I heard something hit the tile floor we had in the kitchen. "Um, hell yes!" I heard Rob scream, and I pretty much ran down the steps, fully dressed in a hoodie and shorts. I had my phone clutched in my hand and I saw Rob slipping his shoes on by the door. "Urm, Preston?!" I asked loudly, raising an eyebrow.

"I.. Um... I kinda dropped a glass bowl in the kitchen..."

At the Texan's words, I blinked then burst out laughing. "Great job Pressy." I giggled and I heard him sigh quietly from the kitchen. "Come on Lachy, we gotta help Lava P clean up his mess." Rob rolled his eyes, wrapping an arm around my waist and leading me toward the kitchen. The sight was even better then I thought. There were glass shards everywhere and Preston was standing in the middle, staring aimlessly at them. I bent down, picking up a few shards between my fingers, earning me a few cuts but I didn't really care. As long as Rob and Preston didn't see them, I was fine. After a minute or two, my lovely boyfriends leaned over to help. It took a good 10 or 15 minutes to clean up, and I'm pretty sure my fingers would get infected with the amount of cuts I had, but we would talk about it if it actually happened. Once we finished, Preston raced out to get his shoes on too, leaving Rob and I to follow and wait for the slow Texan boy to get them on.

Minutes later, we were out on the sidewalks of Australia, staring at our phones and glancing up occasionally. I was watching where we walked, my non cut hand intertwined with Rob's free one. With a quick glance at my phone, I saw one Pokemon in particular in my nearby that made my eyes widen. A Dragonite was close, and I looked over at Rob and Preston, them having the same look in their eyes. It took a few minutes of wandering around trying to find it, almost losing it, but I felt my phone vibrate and there it was, the Dragonite in all it's glory. I released Rob's hand, throwing an Ultraball at it. It broke free, so I threw another. Rob and Preston were doing the same, all three of us standing in the middle of the sidewalk most likely looking like idiots as we stared at our phones intently.

I was on my 10 Ultraball, but I was determined to catch it. Rob and Preston were also, throwing Ultraballs at it like mad. I threw the next one, watching as it shook once. Twice. I was praying this was it, biting my lip harshly as I stared. Three shakes.


I blinked, watching as the Pokeball got dark, signalling I caught it. I almost threw my phone right then and there, but I restrained myself and clicked the lock button on it, stuffing it in my pocket. I wasn't going to say anything yet. The Texan and Canadian men looked at me oddly, but went back to trying to catch it until I heard a loud, "YES!" I turned to state at Preston as he threw his hands up in the area, almost sending his phone flying. I was still biting my lip, and I could taste the slight metallic taste of blood from how hard I bit down. Rob took another minute before he had the same reaction, signalling both caught it. I grabbed both of their free hands, heading back toward our house. They followed, a slightly confused look on their faces. "Did you catch it?" Both asked at the exact same time, and I smiled, wiping the blood from my lip. "Yeah." I nodded, and they looked at me like I was insane. "How are you so calm?!" They exclaimed, getting more and more weird looks from people on the street. I shrugged, picking up the pace. They began to run, dragging me with them and we reached the house within minutes.

I walked up the path to the front door, pulling my key out of my pocket so I could unlock the door. I could hear Preston and Rob bantering about behind me. I had a smile on my face as I looked back to see them playfully shoving each other. I couldn't pick up on anything they were saying, other then my name a few times. I put the key in the lock, twisting it and shoving the door open. We all headed inside, Rob closing the door behind us. I slipped off my shoes, Rob and Preston following suit and all three pairs were put next to the door. I locked the door quickly, watching Preston and Rob shove each other a few more times before coming over to me. Preston gave me a soft kiss on the lips and Rob did so just after, the three of us exchanging kisses for a few minutes until it got a little boring.

I lead them to the middle of the living room where it was the most open and locked hands with them, forming a circle and I just stared at them for a while. "Lachy?" Preston asked, worry in his brown eyes. I just smirked, continuing to stare. The look in my eyes changed from blank to excited and they got the idea, the three of us beginning to jump up and down. Our hands were still clasped, and we were starting to squeal like little school girls.


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