blunt, much? › harmony hollow

60 1 3

ships › will (kiingtong) × liam (hbomb94), shelby (shubble) × zach (graser10)
genre › fluff? idk.. sexual kinda?
prompt › person a has a policy where they won't deny anything that's true. so when person c and d catch a staring at person b's butt and confront them about it, they don't deny it. this leads to person b becoming a blushing mess and them accidentally coming out to c and d about being in a relationship.
part number › part one of 'blunt, much?'
warnings › sexual behavior? i'm not completely sure what to put here tbh
notes › long prompt, and yes, i think i created it. i typed it because i thought it would be cute and i thought it up, but idk.

i've also been working on this for a while, trying to improve my writing and such, so..

« ——— »

it was a nice, breezy day. the sun was shining, the birds were chirping.. "an amazing day to the park!" graser had exclaimed, after having dragged his girlfriend, shelby, over to liam's house. "since i don't appear to have any other choice," h sighed, rolling his eyes, "give me twenty minutes or so to get ready. i wasn't planning on going anywhere, as you can tell."

"that's okay. take your time. we have to go get will anyways, zach called him at two in the morning to ask if he wanted to go to the park later in the morning. highly doubt the poor boy was able to go back to sleep afterward." shelby sympathized, flicking her boyfriend in the back of the head. "ow, what was th—" shelby cut graser off with a glare. "we'll be back soon, with will." she waved as she pulled graser away by the wrist, sprinting down the sidewalk as zach shouted for her to slow down.

"yeah.." liam trailed off before slamming his door shut, making his way back up to his bedroom to get ready for the day. it didn't take long, he just threw on some decent clothes, brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and was eating a poptart by the time the couple arrived with his best friend– and secret boyfriend– will. yes, secret. the two hadn't come out to their friends yet, at least not about their relationship. liam had told them years ago and with will.. well come on, it was will. they already knew he was gay before he came out.

as the cheerful pair walked through his front door, h blinked, watching the brit trail after them, arms wrapped around himself, as usual. breaking off a piece of his toaster pastry, he handed it to the shorter as he pulled himself onto the counter beside him. will jumped, then took the piece, thanking liam quietly. shelby and zach sat on the stools of his island, chatting happily between themselves. honestly, h probably couldn't guess what they were talking about if he tried.

sliding closer to will, but very subtly, liam leaned down slightly. "how're you doing babe? heard graser called at like two in the morning, and the both of us know how hard it is for you to sleep, especially after falling asleep once and being woken up." he whispered into the brit's ear. will nibbled on the poptart for a few seconds before shrugging. "i'm tired, but i'll be okay. other than that, i'm fine." the shorter responded almost inaudibly, noticing the sudden silence in the room. he looked over, only to see grubble staring at them, zach with an eyebrow raised and shelby with a grin and questioning look on her face.

"what?" liam asked, and zach shook his head, holding his hands up in mock defeat, making shelby giggle. "now are we going to the park or just lounging around my kitchen all day?" he added, pushing himself off the counter, with the other three also hopping down from their perches. "lead the way, graz. i didn't even know we had a park around here, so.." will spoke, leaning nonchalantly on h. shelby giggled and nodded. "me either. he woke me up and was like, 'hey, wanna go to the park in town?'" she explained.

liam watched as they held hands, swinging them every so often. he wished he could have that with will. and he did have that with the british cutie. when their friends weren't around, that was. it wasn't like they didn't want to come out as being in a relationship, they just simply hadn't. their relationship wasn't new by any means, they had been together for around four years, but they just hadn't hit a place where it was convenient to tell them.

liam was pulled from his thoughts by will's weight leaving his side as he began to walk casually at the front of the group. they weren't a very sexual couple; they didn't have sex often, or flirt with each other, or even really make out. it was mostly an adorable, fluffy, cute relationship. but still, h can't help it if his eyes drift from time to time. and this time, they just happened to drift far enough so that liam was staring directly at his best friend's– and again, secret boyfriend's– ass. shelby, who was walking side by side with zach and liam, caught on to liam's not-so-subtle staring and nudged her boyfriend, who snickered.

"liam, you are so staring at will's butt." graz grinned, noting how the brit stopped in his tracks. now, this was one thing that zach had expected h to deny. liam didn't ever deny things that were true, it was just a sort of policy he had for himself. "what's the point in trying to lie when it's not one?" he always said. but this was one thing that zach and shelby had expected him to deny immediately; "why the hell would he not deny the fact that he was staring at his best friend's ass," graser had said.

"yeah, and?" h stated bluntly, turning to stare at the surprised couple. they had caught up with will, who was walking silently between liam and the other two, his face buried in his hands. "so you are admitting to staring at will, your best friend's, butt?" shelby asked slowly, as if she couldn't believe it. sighing, liam pinched the bridge of his nose, before nodding. "yes. i, liam, am admitting to staring at my boyfriend's ass." will's face reddened even more, and he let the sleeves of his sweater fall down so he could bury his face in the soft fabric.

zach chuckled, and it took him a minute to stop in his tracks. "wait, boyfriend?" he asked loudly, and shelby shushed him. "but yeah, boyfriend?" will giggled, lifting his face up and leaning, once again, on liam. "y-yeah... uhm.. we-we've kind of b-been dating for, what's it been..? four years or s-so." the brit stammered, feeling liam grasp his hand between them. "aha, yeah. so uh.. surprise?" h added. "oh." shelby stated, but there was a grin on her face. "congr–.. wait, four years?! and you're just telling us now?" graser exclaimed, and this time, shelby didn't shush him. "yeah! will, you, as our son, should've told us immediately!" shelby scolded, but giggled.

"son? when did you become their son?" liam asked, confusion written on his face as he wrapped an arm around will's waist. the brit giggled, before shrugging. "they 'adopted' me at shelby's last birthday party or something like that. and i agreed for some reason." he explained, and zach nodded. "that's exactly what happened." the canadian hummed. "good, because i was thinking about saying you brainwashed me into believing you were my parents."

"but we're all around the same age. how would that work?" liam questioned. "i dunno." shelby murmured, before a smile came back onto her face. "so when's the wedding?" graser deadpanned, and will choked. "soon, probably. i mean, will is twenty one, and i'm twenty two." liam answered seriously and shelby blinked. "don't tell me you're serious." she snorted, and h shrugged. "hey, babe, would you marry me if i asked you?" he asked, looking down at his partner. "of course!" will smiled, squeezing liam's hand. "there's your answer." h smirked, staring at the open mouthed couple beside them.

"well if you guys are just gonna stand there, will and i are gonna go home." liam chuckled, lifting the smaller onto his back. the brit wrapped his legs around h's waist and his arms loosely around his neck, and liam hooked his arms under will's butt. resting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, will giggled. "i would close your mouths if i were you, don't want to catch bugs." he chided, watching them snap out of their dazes and rushing to catch up with them.

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