the truth › not a oneshot

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now, i'mma be completely honest here.

i'm not even really into minecraft youtubers anymore.

i don't really watch the pack much anymore, other than vikk's and lachlan's second channels, and i only watch brandon on the occasion. i'm happy mat is back, but i don't really watch him either.

you can hate me for this all you want, but jerome just streams, and frankly, it annoys me a bit. nothing against streaming, i'm all for it, but its just sort of annoying that he doesn't post actual videos anymore. and mitch? he just seems to post nothing but click bait​ anymore. most of his videos have really click baity titles and i stopped watching him all together a while back. preston and rob don't really clickbait, persay, i just.. don't watch them.

don't even get me started on skymedia, i don't watch anything they post but occasional things on the office antics channel.

and aphmau? i stopped watching her midway through minecraft diaries season two. she just.. i dunno. when i was younger i didn't notice it, but now that i'm a bit older, i notice that she's pretty much made her character (as well as a few others) completely flawless, other than a few minor, almost irrelevant flaws. it just.. it made me lose interest in her.

the only minecraft youtubers i really watch anymore are people on a series called harmony hollow, such as graser10, kiingtong, shubble, and hbomb94, as well as a small youtuber named welsknight.

now, i still play minecraft and love the game, the community on youtube for it is just bad in my opinion. too much clickbait and too many little kids that it has just ruined it for me.

i hate saying that i've fallen out of all these fandoms because i used to be one of the people that was mentally thinking, "now how do you fall out of this fandom?!" whenever other authors would discontinue books or put them on hold because they fell out of the fandom. but now i'm the one doing it. and i feel horrible.

i've recently been really into other gaming youtubers such as vanoss, miniladd, h20delirious, and smii7y. granted, there is a bit of clickbait occasionally, the content they produce just interests me, unlike the content of most of the minecraft youtubers these days.

and i know i've been nothing but author's note after author's note recently, but i can't help it. it kills me when i'm not able to update, but how am i supposed to write for fandoms that i'm not even in anymore? i don't hate all of the fandoms mentioned, but i absolutely despise a few of them. not the youtubers themselves, just the fandoms in general.

but i don't want to put this on hold. after all this time, i've probably lost all of the readers i had. and after how long this thing is, hell, anyone left probably hasn't even bothered to read this mess. but i don't want to put this on hold.

i'll continue to write for some of the fandoms here, but if you came for the pack, skymedia, or aphmau, i would probably leave. i don't mind some of the pack members, so i'll still write the packs and their friends, but those updates won't come out often. this book will probably consist of mainly mianite or harmony hollow related things.

fuck, maybe i will decide to just finish this book off and be done with it. i'm not even sure anymore.

i'll try to update eventually, but for now, this is all anyone who's here still gets. and i'm sorry. i truly am.

i'm crying while writing this, because i didn't think that i would ever come to this. now tell me i'm an attention seeker, a piece of shit, an asshole, call me whatever you want at this point. i don't give a fuck anymore.

just know that i am sorry. i am so, so sorry. have a nice night.

– will / aurus

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