airplane troubles › the side pack

136 6 6

ships › noochzahhutt
genre › fluff
prompt › person a and b go on a trip somewhere that involves taking a plane, and person b is afraid of planes. not heights, planes.
part number › part one of 'airplane troubles'
warnings › anxiety attacks, strong language
notes › this oneshot will start in mat / nooch's point of view

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i had planned a little surprise trip for brandon and i to canada to visit my family. currently the two of us lived in california, and we didn't plan on changing that anytime soon, but i wanted him to meet my parents. now to tell him we left in the morning. okay, maybe i should have given him more time. too late now, i guess.

"hey, petey? could you come down here for a moment?" i called from downstairs, him being up in our bedroom, messing with his laptop.

i heard the pounding of footsteps above my head and brandon appeared at the top of the steps, rushing down them. "what's up noochm?" The smaller and younger boy questioned, head tilted to side. it made him look even more adorable then he already was, decked out in an oversized green hoodie and a pair of shorts. "i sorta... kinda planned a surprise trip to canada to meet my parents and we have to leave in the morning?" i blurted quickly, the words spilling from my mouth in a questioning manner.

his face paled immediately, and he looked really panicked. i was about to ask him if he was alright, but he spoke first. "ih shit. i'll j-just go pack then, s-since we leave in the morning." his stutter made me even more worried, as he almost never stuttered around just me, but he rushed up the stairs before i could say anything and i heard his footsteps retreating back to our bedroom. did he not wanna see my family or something? maybe he was just startled that we were leaving in the morning, and worried he wouldn't finish packing on time. yeah, i'm just gonna go with that.

• switch the brandon / petezahhutt's point of view •

i think i worried mat a little by my reaction. i wanted to go see his family, i really did. its just... i didn't really like planes. heights didn't scare me, but I
i really didn't like planes. something about them terrified me. i've never told anyone, because i've been on planes before, and i was worried they would think i was a baby for being scared of planes. sure, i was on a plane before, but no one was with me so they don't know i just locked myself in a bathroom while i had a severe panic attack. i couldn't do it this time, as i had mat with me.

my mind wandered to all the times i've been on a plane before as i packed. each time involved crying for the majority of the time, and trying my best to avoid people. i always took the early morning flights so there wouldn't be as many people on it. the less people there were, the more time i could spend in the bathroom alone. whenever someone came in, i just hushed my whimpers and sobs until they left. so when mat told me we were leaving for canada in the morning, and we lived in california might i remind you, i panicked and freaked out. that is a five and a half hour flight and i panicked on shorter flights. this was gonna be hard, trying to stay calm while on the plane with mat.

• short time skip to the airport •

we made it to the airport, and i hadn't started freaking out yet which was good. i was towing my bag behind me as mat led the way toward our flight's gate, his own bag being pulled behind him. he was rambling about how he was excited to see his family again, but i wasn't paying attention, just kinda nodding along with him. i was trapped in my mind, panicking the closer we got to the plane. i could feel the tears welling in my eyes, but i just wiped them away quickly and focused my attention on mat's rambling. it didn't help much, if at all, but i was able to keep the tears away for the time being.

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