the little moments...

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ship:: wooflan
type:: fluffy
song:: none
parts:: one
a/n:: it's the best i've got at the moment. just know things have been hard for me, and no one notices. i'm as okay as i'll really ever be though, so... i'm alright at the moment.


the blonde boy sat in the brunette's lap, his head rested on his lover's chest. the room had settled into a comfortable silence, it being midnight and the pair was quite tired. the silence had been unbroken for a few minutes, until the blonde spoke up timidly.

''rob..?'' he whispered into the dark room, his grip tightening around rob's neck for a minute before he sat up straight. ''whats up babe?'' the other asked in return, staring curiously into the cerulean eyes that he had fallen in love with looking at, ever since the two had gotten together. they looked just like the ocean, and were one of the most beautiful mixes of different shades of blue. and rob never let him forget how beautiful he was for a second, and that included his eyes.

''why do you love me..? why didn't you leave me like all of the others i dated?''

the question caught the older man slightly off guard and he blinked, eyes wide as he tried to comprehend what he was just asked. lachlan began to tear up, but rob hushed him, hugging his smaller frame closer to his chest. ''i love everything about you baby... the way your eyes sparkle when your around friends, the way your giggle sounds when i make you laugh compared to anyone else... everything.'' rob hummed, rocking the boy in his lap.

''r-really?'' the blonde didn't seem to believe his words, so he stood up gently, pulling lachlan to his chest and the two began to sway back and forth, as if dancing. ''yes really. i love your smile, your undying passion for what you love, your generosity, your caring nature... that and so much more.. i don't know why they left you. they must've been crazy...'' rob reassured, continuing to list off things about his baby boy that he loved. with each new addition, lachlan's cheeks would get just the slightest but more pink, until his cheeks were a bright red and rob was still going.

giggling softly, lachlan pressed a soft, loving kiss to rob's lips, hugging him tightly. the brunette chuckled, resting his chin on top of the boy's mop of perfectly styled blonde hair. when lachlan finally released him enough so he could move, rob slid back into his spot on the couch, patting his lap. settling down on his lover's lap once more, he draped his arms over rob's shoulders and sighed. ''thank you robby... that made me feel better.'' lachlan whispered, nuzzling his head into the crook of rob's neck. ''its the only thing i could do. my baby boy was feeling bad about himself and our relationship, so i fixed it.'' the older murmured, cupping the younger's face and beginning to pepper kisses all over it.

his face heated up again, and he giggled happily, content with staying in his lover's arms for as long as he possibly could. ''dont you ever doubt yourself, or our relationship again, okay? just because someone says something, doesn't mean it's true.'' lachlan nodded quickly, and rob shifted so he was laying on his side, his back pressed against the couch cushions, and lachlan pulled against his chest. he hummed quietly, and he could feel the blonde's heartbeat slowing down, but like when one slept. he knew he was drifting too, and as soon as he was sure lachlan was asleep, he stopped humming, and got comfortable. just before he drifted off, he whispered out seven words he didn't think his younger lover would hear. but he did.

''its the smallest moments that make me happiest.''


i am so sorry about how bad and short this is... i'm suffering and no one is noticing. but i'm okay. i'll be fine. just know that, no matter how hard it seems and how much your suffering, never give up on life. there are people that would miss you, even of they don't seem like they would.

and i know i said the book would be on hold, but i've been working on this and thought you all deserve it.

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