Dropping By Her School\Chapter Two

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The next morning I awoke to the smell of cooking egg whites, toasting wheat bread, and coffee. I threw some pants on as I had only slept in a t-shirt and went downstairs to greet my mom.

"Morning mom" I said hugging her, as she stood in front of the stove.

"Good morning baby" she said kissing me on the cheek.

"Hurry up and eat, then go get dressed for school." She said putting my plate on the table. I was eating when my mom asked me about the party last night. I decided to tell her about Niall and all that I had experienced with him. I left out the things Dani told me, I knew she wouldn't understand if she knew. She listened in awe as I told her almost everything. I happened to glance at the microwave clock and noticed it was getting late.

"Oh crap mom I gotta go get dressed!" I ran up the stairs and in my room. I looked in my closet to decide what I would wear. I decided on my red and black plaid shirt, my jeggings, and my black sneakers. I added my black bra and panty set. I laid my outfit out on my bed and went to take my shower. I showered quickly, then went back to my room, to get dressed. I quickly got dressed and sat down at my vanity, to do my makeup. I went with red eye shadow, black eye liner, and black massacre. My hair was done, I just had to brush it. After about an hour, I was dressed and heading out the door.

"Bye Mom. I'll see you later" I shouted as I grabbed my keys and bookbag.

"Bye baby" she said as I walked out the door. I quickly pressed the button, on my keys to unlock the doors. I jumped in the driver seat and out my bag in the passenger seat. I put the key in the ignition and started my car. I turned on some Beyonce and pulled out of my driveway. I quickly drove to school and parked. I went to my first class of the day, English. Pretty easy class for me. So it ended kind of quick.

I was in the student lounge, reading a story for my next class. I was interrupted from my book when I heard my name from a voice towering above me. When I looked up I was stunned and a little scared by the sight of Niall. I rose to my feet quickly in shock.

"Hey gorgeous." Niall said scanning my body up and down with his eyes.

"How did you know where my school was?" I said very confused.

"I did some detective work." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I called Harry, who called, Dani, then, Dani, told Harry, who told me." He said clarifying so I wouldn't be confused.

"Why did you want to know?" I was still a little worried that he went through all of that just to find out where I attended school.

"I wanted to surprise you." He said walking towards me to hug me. I accepted the embrace wrapping, my arms around his back as he wrapped his arms around my neck then kissed me on my forehead.

"I really like you." Niall said softly while gazing into my eyes.

"I really like you too" I said.

"I want to take you out around 8 tomorrow." He said.

"Ok." I said. He then leaned in for a kiss, I quickly turned my head. He looked at me confused after missing his objective.

"No more of these stolen kisses before the first date." He looked at me a little irritated at first then smiled.

"Ok we'll see about that tomorrow." He said with a smirk.

"Yea whatever I have to get to my next class." I said withdrawing from our embrace, he reluctantly did the same but grabbed my hand before I could get too far.

"How are you getting home?" Niall asked very strongly.

"I have my car." I told him.

"Ok. I'll see you tomorrow then?" He asked.

"Yes" I said as I nodded. He held onto my hand as I tried to back away and get to class.

"Niall, I have to go" I said as I chuckled.

"Ok ok. One more hug?" He asked.

"Ok ok" I said as I walked back to him, and let him hug me.

"Ok I really have to go now" I said as I started to pull away from him. He hesitately let me go.

"Bye gorgeous" He said puckering his lips and winking at me as I grabbed my stuff and walked away. As I walked to class all I could do was smile and think of him.

I walked out the door of my class very tired and ready to go home. I walked slowly and tiredly to my car. I jumped in and turned on one of my favorite songs from the first Twilight. I drove slowly, cause I was tired and I didn't feel like speeding. I arrived at my house to find that my mom wasn't there but Dani was. She was waiting in Harry's car, with Harry. I parked my car in the driveway, jumped out and ran to her.

"I MISSED YOU!!" She shouted while hugging me and practically squeezing the breathe out of me.

"I MISSED YOU TOO!" I shouted back, the look on Harry's face was shocked and amused.

"This is what we do after we haven't seen each other in a while." We explained. His face didn't change.

"You just saw each other last night." Harry said.

"Don't question our weird and special friendship." I said while laughing, we all laughed then Dani told me that my mother had went to work, and asked her to stay the night with me so I wouldn't be alone.

"I decided to drop her off" Harry said.

"Well thank you." I said to Harry.

"Movie night?" I asked her.

"Definitely!" She said. She hugged Harry, then her and I walked in the house.

Dani and I were in my room, sitting legs butterflied on my bed, facing each other as our favorite movie Pitch Perfect played behind Dani. We were talking and eating as told her about the days events.

"So he asked you out?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes!" I said excited.

"Oh my goodness. I'm super excited for you!" She shouted.

"I know I can't wait! I really like him.

"He seems like a really nice guy. Maybe he isn't as bad as his reputation" she said.

"I know" I simply said.

"You know since you are here, I was hoping you would help me decide on what I'm gonna wear?" I asked. She smiled and accepted. We searched through my closet finding a green sleeveless dress, a white shall and white pumps.

"So tell me how things are going with you and Harry." I said excitedly, she got very happy and started to tell me all about the good time they had spending the day together. I tried to focus on listening to her but my thoughts stayed on Niall.

Hey Hey Hey my lovely ones I hope you liked reading the rewritten version of chapter two as much as I liked writing it but we are no where near done a lot more is gonna happen and I hope you're ready okay my lovelys I gotta go lots more to write Bye
XX Bre.

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