Talking to Mom and Dad and Another Party\Chapter Ten

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I woke up the next morning still in Niall's arms. I looked at my phone to check the time it was about 630am. My dad would be picking up my mom from work soon. I shook Niall in an attempt to wake him up. He didn't budge he just groaned.

"Baby get up" I said to him as I shook him more.

"Baby come on we gotta get dressed we, gotta meet my parents soon". He groaned again, let me go, rolled out of the bed and onto to the floor taking the covers with him.

"Babe are you OK?" I said as I crawled to the edge of the bed and bit my lip trying to hold back my laughter, but failing.

"Yea, I'm fine, stop laughing- it's too early for this". He said in his broken morning voice and walked to the bathroom. My yesterday had been so crazy, I had to talk to someone about it and there was only one person I could think of. I picked up my phone, called Dani and after about three rings she answered in her groggy morning voice.

"Hello." She said

"Hey I know you were sleep but I gotta talk to you." I said kind of rushed.

"OK OK I'm up what's wrong?" She asked as I heard her shuffle in her bed.

"OK I gotta tell you a lot in a short amount of time". I said to her as I heard the shower in Niall's bathroom start running.

"OK number one, remember when my mom had a really bad back and my parents told me it was because she fell at work? Yea well they lied. It was because my father had punched her into a wall and she hurt her back. All over some guy my dad thought my mom was having an affair with, which of course she wasn't." She was stunned.

"What!?" She shouted.

"Oh it gets worse, much worse. My father decided since he didn't believe that my mom wasn't having an affair, he figured he'd have a revenge affair and got another woman pregnant" I told her.

"This has got to be a joke right!?" She continued to shout.

"I wish it was, but I'm not done so this woman my dad got pregnant kept the baby. Had a boy and I have a younger half brother who wants to meet me". This was the first time I've ever told her something that shocked her so much.

"Holy shit, what are you gonna do!? Are you gonna meet him? And if yes, do you want me there?" She asked.

"I don't know. Niall and I are about to meet my parents at the diner for breakfast to talk about it more. Here's where it gets better much better." I said with a smile on my face.

"Oh man, I can hear you smiling through the phone, what happened?" She asked me in pure curiosity.

"Niall and I made love last night!" I heard the phone hit the floor and a little bit of shuffling.

"What!?" She said with pure excitement in her voice after she picked up the phone.

"Yes girl, and it was amazing. I love him a little bit more now" I heard her choke on her own spit for a second.

"You said what now! You love him when did this happen!? And when were you gonna tell me?" I laughed at her reaction as I heard the shower water turn off.

"Well, I was gonna tell you but things have just been a little busy lately." I told her as Niall walked back into the room in nothing but a towel walked over to me, took me by my chin and kissed me.

"I bet but come on, come on details, girl details. What happened? Was he aggressive and rough, was he gentle and sweet, or was he aggressive and gentle?" She asked and I laughed at her.

"I can't pass off details right now. I have to get dressed. My parents will be waiting for us soon. But I'll see you in class tonight, I'll tell you then." I heard Niall chuckle as he looked in his closet for something to wear.

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