The Family Visit P2/Chapter Forty.

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After we took their suitcases to the hotel we all went back to the house. Denise and I couldn't stop talking and laughing. She told me her labor story which kind of scared me, she told some mom horror stories, which also scared me and Theo kept me laughing as well. Niall though as he talked to his father in the other room, it was quiet. I heard no laughing, no talking. No nothing. When I focused I could hear whispering. Niall was whispering and so was his dad. I wondered what they could be whispering about. I could tell from the anger in the whispers, Niall was not enjoying this conversation. I tried not harp on and worry about it. It was probably just Niall's father being angry about the baby being born before the wedding. Niall had told me before his parents are very religious. Plus I knew Niall would eventually tell me. As I continued to laugh and talk with Denise, Theo began complaining about being hungry.

"Mommy, I hungry" he told her as he tugged on her shirt.

"You're hungry?I asked him. He nodded his head in response.

"Well guess what?" I said.

"What?" He asked excitedly.

"I cooked food" I told him.

"Yay!!!" He shouted.

"Yay! Would you like to come with me and we can make you plate?" I asked him.

"Yes yes yes!!" He shouted happily.

"Ok come on" I said as I stood up and stretched my hand out to him. He took it and we walked into the kitchen. The conversation between Niall and his father stopped as we entered the room.

"I hungry Unci Ni" Theo said to Niall.

"Yeah? Me too buddy" Niall said as he picked him up.

"Is Bre getting you some of the food she made?" He asked him.

"Yes" he said.

"Guess what?" Niall asked him

"What?" He asked.

"Bre is a really good cook and she made something special just for you" he told him. It was true. I had made Theo a special meal all to himself.

"Yay!! What is it?" He asked me.

"I made you Irish Sausage Kebabs!" I said as I pulled them out of the fridge and took the foil off.

"You're mommy told me they're your favorite" I said.

"They are my favorite!" He said happily.

"Ok good!" I said as I began putting two on a plate, to put in the microwave. I only put them in the microwave for a minute, so they would be warm but not too hot. Niall put him in a seat at the table. I cut the kebabs into pieces, put the food in front of him and grabbed one of the juice boxes I bought just for him.

"Thank you" he said as he smiled up at me.

"You're welcome" I said then kissed the top of his head. Niall decided to stay in the kitchen with Theo while he ate, while his father and I walked back into the living room with everyone else. As we walked, I thought he gave me a weird look but I figured I was just seeing things. We got in the living room, I sat next to Denise and Mr. Horan sat next to his wife.

"He's eating" I told her.

"Thank you" she said. She didn't say anything after that. There was a tension in the room that I could tell everyone felt. Niall's father began to stare at me, I saw him out of the corner of my eye. At first I looked with confusion, then irritation. I began to think he was thinking something so close to incest, it was just unbearable. I decided to ask him if he was alright before jumping to the offense.

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