Chapter 4: The Inn

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 Rewritten 2-20-23 

 Cozbi slowly opened the front door, peeking in carefully, the slightest creak had her stop as still as a statue.

"You're safe Cozbi, I sense nothing dangerous in here. There is what I could only explain as an anomaly." Jaheel sniffed the bottom of the door.

"Anomaly sounds perfectly safe." Cozbi coughed quietly opening the door fully, all the creaks making her cringe.

Jaheel stood right by her side as she stepped into the building hesitatingly. Looking around, Cozbi admired the nicely designed wood walls, some places were even carved with cool patterns. Cozbi and Jaheel stood in the waiting room before a big long dark oak desk where no one sat on the other side. A single yellow sparkling bell sat on the desktop.

Jaheel grew in size slightly to prop his front legs on the tabletop and used his big paw to ding the bell.

Nobody appeared.

"Must be slow at the moment." Cozbi said looking around her as Jaheel stomped his paw down on the bell again, then used both his paws as if he were digging a hole in the ground.

Cozbi giggled at how funny and cute Jaheel looked attacking the bell with both his front paws. Suddenly the bell slipped out from under Jaheel's assaulting was and up into the air hovering to the other side of the desk before glowing brightly. Jaheel sized up more standing in front of Cozbi ready for anything while Cozbi squinted her eyes seeing a humanoid body forming in the light. Once Cozbi's eyes focused again, she stared at the fancy-clothed man wearing the biggest greeting smile she's ever seen.

"Good evening gentleman and madam." The man bowed to both Jaheel and Cozbi. "I'm Dingsy, the owner of this fine establishment, will you be renting a room for the night?" Dingsy asked as Cozbi found it impossible that his smile grew even bigger.

Dingsy was a man that stood just a bit taller than Cozbi, his great big pearly smile sat below slicked-back golden blonde hair and jam-purple wide warm eyes. His skin looked as though it barely got more sunlight than Cozbi's. Dingsy held himself solid and confident, also shown by his yellow-black trimmed suit along with the pants he wore. The thing that kept Cozbi's eyes was the bell that sat on the desk, now sat atop Dingsy's head, still shining.

"We will like to rent a room for the night." Jaheel spoke grabbing Dingsy's attention, yet the owner looked unfazed by a talking hound.

"Will it be a single room and bed, one room and two beds, or separate rooms?" Dingsy asked.

"The single room and one bed will be good." Jaheel replied sitting down next to Cozbi going back to a normal hound's size.

"Wonderful, great choice!" Dingsy said with joy zipping around in his voice.

Cozbi watched the bellboy walk out from behind the front desk over to a wall of keys, Dingsy looked around for a second before pulling a key off the wall. Dingsy turned his never falling smile back at the two gesturing them to follow him into the Inn. Jaheel walked in front of Cozbi still on high alert, certain that his bellboy was the anomaly he is feeling. Up the stairs to the second floor with a hop and skip around some corners, Dingsy stopped in front of a door.

"Just ding if you need anything or if I could help with anything. I was imagined to help with all kinds of needs to make you as comfortable as you can possibly be." Dingsy told the two handing the key over to Cozbi as well as a smaller bell.

"If I may ask? I don't really understand what you mean by imagined?" Cozbi raised a brow.

"That's an easy question." Dingsy cheerfully clasped his hands together. "Well, it's as it sounds in the sentence. I am literally imagined to serve anyone. Not to brag or anything, but my creator is one of Teraaneou's greatest heroes ever to live!" Dingst proudly told the duo, his chin held high. "Her name was Kaya and a lot of imagines are alive today due to her, all of us imagine being ever diverse even though we were cut from the same cloth." Dingsy reminisced about his creation. "There is a monument of her in the kingdom of Operiel, if you happen to be heading that way I recommend stopping by it." Dingsy snickered with a little snort.

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