Chapter 11: Little Talk

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Rewritten 2/22/24

Please speak with my husband and the children about the matter we found. I would love a conversation with this little forged tigress." Raven grins evilly and in the blink of an eye, the chaos was face-to-face with Cozbi. "Shall we?" Raven lastly said having his cloak swirl and engulf the both of us. Cozbi rapidly looked around trying to get her suspicions about what happened and where she was. The splash of water brought Cozbi's attention to her left where she now saw the moon's reflection on the lake before her. It is a beautiful and very calming setting. "Sure is a sight isn't it Kitty." Raven appeared by Cozbi's side making the tigress leap away in fright. The slight fear that grew within Cozbi vanished seeing that the scary mannerism of Raven was now different.

"I-It is," Cozbi replied turning her gaze to the lake before them.

"This exact spot" Raven spoke up catching Cozbi's attention again looking in thought. "This is where Draken claimed he'll find his Inner-Flame." Raven held a small smile sitting on the grass, his cloak still covering his entire body which made Cozbi curious.

"How did he know?" Cozbi asked tensing slightly when Raven looked at her from the corner of his eye. "That he'll meet his Inner-Flame here." Cozbi finished taking a seat next to him on the grass.

"You're going to have to ask him that." Raven bluntly told her.

"Oh." Cozbi slumped a little thinking that Raven was about to explain why.

"I would guess that it's because he's such a helpless romantic and this is his favorite spot," Raven added.

"I see," Cozbi replied seeing that the lake was so still and calm.

"Yeah. . . So Draken should meet his Inner-Flame here."

"It's a great spot."

"Take off the disguise." Raven flatly said giving Cozbi an emotionless look.

"Wha-what do you mean?" Cozbi tried to not sound panicked.

"Don't play with me little cub, I knew who and what you were once you entered this world." Raven plainly said as if it were nothing.

"Who are you!" Cozbi exclaimed standing up and staring at the nonchalant being sitting lazily on the grass.

"A lot of things." Raven yawned before continuing. "Raven, Crow, Chaos Scale, Libra, Cloaked one and it kinda goes on." Raven shrugged laying back on the grass.

"Libra? Chaos! You're the chaotic side of Libra!" Cozbi pointed her thin finger with a shocked expression and dread laced her words.

"That's what I said, love." Raven sighed. "Who are you, the real one?" Raven's right brow raised in question.

"C-Cozbi. . ." The tigress choked out finding it hard to breathe for a second.

A shaking roar came from nowhere followed by a huge explosion erupting from the side of the floating castle creating giant stone rubble to fly out, dust clouds blocked the sight of whatever happened. Then Cozbi saw it, gigantic and powerful, the creature that all feared for a century.

The Eurion Dragon.

(A/N) Welp I have kept up with updating so far XD SURPRISING!!!! Sorry that this is a short chapter.



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