Chapter 13: Broken

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 Cozbi stood in front of a fogged-up mirror with a towel wrapped around her drying her face having enjoyed a warm shower after the events from the earlier meeting. Draken had gone down to his kingdom to address his subjects as to why he had taken action in his dragon form, not to mention that he had found his Inner-Flame till she was ready to take up the role. Peeking out from the towel, Cozbi stared at the wobbly, fuzzy reflection before her noting that what she saw wasn't her. The body that stood looking back at her wasn't her image, it was Rimmon since this form could not fool him.

"Cozbi is me, and myself is Cozbi, while not at all at the same time." The reflection of Rimmon whispered as he reached up running his hand down his face, Cozbi mimicking his movement.

Since meeting Draken, Rimmon had to force himself to stay within Cozbi and not expose himself even further. Even though the demon had hidden away his entire being, Draken had somehow sensed his true self, and even scarier, had been able to pull at his core to surface. Rimmon in the mirror thought to himself trying to figure a plan out since this wasn't going to work out much longer due to the power of Draken's soul pulling him from the depths violently breaking his disguise.

"I'm Cozbi." Cozbi spoke toward the mirror seeing Rimmon inside starting to fade as the restroom vented out the heat. "This is our dream, we are finally out of that pit of suffering." Cozbi calmly said placing her hand on the glass of the mirror, her other hand having the pentagram glowing.

"I'm R-Cozbi!" Cozbi cut off Rimmon wiping her hand down and removing the fog across her torso reflection erasing Rimmon in the process.

Rimmon panicked knowing that Ki had tricked him, not having any control over his disguise anymore.

"We. Are. Cozbi." The imposter coldly stated slowly wiping away the fog on the mirror while Rimmon tried to quickly figure out what to do before it was too late.

Cozbi now looked at herself in the mirror seeing only Cozbi, yet a single tear ran down her cheek before it was brutally wiped away with no care.

"My Flame." Draken knocked on the door to the restroom.

"Yes?" Cozbi responded quickly drying the rest of her body off.

"Is everything alright my Flame?" Draken asked making his way back to the castle after feeling the panic of his Flame.

"Everything is perfect, merely enjoying the shower." Cozbi replied finding the clothes that were left folded on the counter.

"I felt you're uneasy earlier my Flame, are you sure?" Draken pressed the question.

"Some of the soap got into my eye is all, it's fine now." Cozbi lied wrapping her hair into the towel atop her head but allowing her white tiger ears to poke out from under the towel before exiting the restroom.

"There's my beautiful Flame." Draken stepped forward wrapping Cozbi into his big arms.

"You weren't gone that long Draken." Cozbi said.

"I've waited a lifetime for you to come into my life my Flame, moments holding you like this are what I long for." Draken replied leaving Cozbi speechless.

"I-I have no words. . ." Cozbi trailed off experiencing this new feeling.

"How about I bathe quickly then we have some dinner after this long eventful day." Draken offered releasing the little white tiger.

"I'll humbly await till you are ready then." Cozbi smirked heading for the bed.

"I shall not keep the lovely maiden waiting for long." Draken bowed his head with a cheeky grin that faltered a bit after his nose picked up nothing as Cozbi walked past.

Draken had instantly hid the falter in his smile before Cozbi could see as he watched her turn on her heel before plopping down on the emperor size bed and smiling at Draken. The Dragon King gave one last smile back at her before entering the bathroom thinking to himself that he didn't smell anything from Cozbi was just in his head since she had just finished her bath. Cozbi took a deep breath before falling back completely on the bed looking up at the high stone ceilings slowly closing her eyes to rest a second.

Down below the floating castle, and even further down under the great kingdom to the fiery pits of the underworld, Ki panted on his knees next to a satanic pentagram circle.

"Sorry, Rimmy. . ." Ki coughed hard before standing to his feet wiping his pants off, "But we can not have you failing this mission." Ki said under his breath walking out of the room toward his office.

(A/N) Finally here's a short chapter. I know it doesn't make sense at the moment but it will! Expect newer chapters to be based around more of the relationship and all that junk I'll never have in my LIVE!!!





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