Chapter 8: A Guest

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 Rewritten 12/23/23

 "Please! My gracious golden merciful king, I beg you to spare me!" A lowly subject of the kingdom of Operiel pleaded on all fours, tears streaming down his dirty cheeks.

"You think flattery from you will get you anything?" The raspy deep voice of the King of Operiel emotionlessly stated looking down at the graveling man.

Beads of sweat raced down the commoner's face as he felt the bulking weight of the King's stare lasering right through his weak body. The mere presence of the King was tremendous, such raw power that surged off his body making anybody bow their head and submit instantly. Anyone who had the bravery to look up to the King would be intimated by the size of the King.

"Your crimes are unforgivable." The King hissed the last of his sentence glaring down at the man. "But you claim to be innocent?" The King questioned.

"I am your Highness." The cowardly man answered quickly trying his best not to receive his punishment.

"Then look me in the eyes and tell me yourself." The King simply said having his eyes change into golden serpent ones.

Just then, everyone in the courtroom flinched feeling just the sheer pressure the King placed upon the man with his gaze. This was still nothing compared to the King's full power. The tiny man lay on the floor, smashed into the marble flooring not able to move a single muscle, breathing was barely attainable.

"I'M GUILTY!" The man screamed out before choking from the weight upon him.

"Take him away. . ." The King Dragon scoffed relaxing back into his throne.

This was King Draken, a terrifying yet kind ruler of the Kingdom of Operiel. He looked relaxed sitting on his throne but underneath the King needed to get up and move, something about this evening had him very irritable.

"I'll be out." Draken huffed quickly pushing himself up and out of the throne room with haste reaching a balcony where Draken stabbed his claws into the stone with ease.

The King popped his neck and back with a pleasured sigh releasing his claws from the stone. That relaxation was short-lived when a presence made themselves known from the throne room. A second later a guard could be heard making his way to Draken in a hurry.

"My lord! There's an intruder here that we have caught." The guard said bowing.

"Keep your distance but be ready." Draken instructed walking past the bowing guard.

"What's your business here Hal." Draken let out a mix of a growl and a hiss as he stepped back into the grand room staring at the man surrounded by his guards.

"Nice to see you too Draken." A familiar voice of a joke, a bad joke Draken thought. Hal's scent was like fresh air that choked you. "I merely came to visit your beautiful kingdom, and what great progress it has for being the latest edition to this world." Hal smiled. "Also your guards here dragged me up all those stairs. I am one of the four elements as well as a Protector, shouldn't I be treated as a guest?" Hal obnoxiously spewed out asking for a fight.

"You are no Protector to me. . . The kind of help you offered through the war ages does not make you a Protector. That title was given to actual warriors by Kaya." Draken speaks out loud standing in front of his throne.

"Oh yeah. . . Kaya. How is she?" Hal asked with no emotion.

"Isn't it unbefitting of an element to act so idiotic and to disrespect the dead? Now leave my kingdom you scum." Draken commanded darkening his glare on Hal and having everyone in the room take steps back but Hal did not move.

"Oh. . . Right. Such a pity she passed. She was such a great use to this world." Hal coldly said as he turned to walk away.

"Don't you dare turn away from me!" Draken roared having the element's neck trapped in his grip. "If you ever speak of Kaya's name in such a way again. . . She is the hero of Opponot. Show her name respect." Draken hissed tightening his clawed grip around Hal's neck.

"Calm down all mighty dragon king. I meant no disrespect to the Hero of Opponot." Hal choked out, putting his hands up to show he was no threat.

"Why are you really in my kingdom." Draken asked again slightly releasing his grip.

"I did come to pay my respect to Kaya funny enough." Hal replied. "You weren't the only one she helped back in the day." Hal explained turning to face the king after Draken let him go finally.

"Finish your respects and leave my kingdom." Draken lastly growled heading back to his throne.

"Your majesty." Hal mockingly nowed before leaving the castle.

Draken sighed as he slumped into his throne having a nagging feeling in the back of his mind about another scent that clung to Hal's clothing. As much as he hated that entity, Draken couldn't help but notice that certain tiny smell he got a whiff of was calming his anger. The king thought that he was going mad but could swear that, that scent was calling out to him.

 "Hal!" Draken roared as he flew out of the throne room, his huge golden wings opened to their giant span. 

 King Draken landed in front of the element stomping to Hal grabbing and lifting the smaller man by the collar of his shirt.

 "Didn't even give me a chance to leave." Hal panickly said grasping at Drakien's clawed, scaled hands. 

 "Who were you with?!" Draken yelled having his horns appear as he lost more control with his primal dragon state show. 

 "What do you mean?" Hal looked shocked losing his calm demeanor thinking he's been caught.

 "Who. Else. Were. You. With." Draken hissed letting the element know he was about to strike.

 "I stopped by the housing for your maids, I said a quick hello to an old friend." Hal quickly said before being dropped onto the ground with dirt and dust being blown onto him as Draken took off to the sky.

 INNER-FLAME! Draken shouted with joy in his head!

Excitement filled the great king as he flew his fastest to the servant quarters at the edge of his island. With no care in the world and only one thing on his mind, Draken landed in front of the living quarters breaking the door down searching the lobby area for anyone hissing to see no one. The head maid walked into view of the King bowing her head cautiously. 

 "Fetch me some clothes." Draken ordered rushing past the head maid wrapping his wings around his body since his body was only for his Inner Flame to gaze upon. 

 King Draken ran up the stairs following the trail of his inner-Flame's delicious aroma that he desperately needed to cover himself in. Again the king destroyed another door in the building meeting eyes with his true love. 

 "My little kitten." Draken smirked seeing how his Inner-Flame was a tiger shifter, and a white one too, what a rare beauty she is. 

 The great dragon king Draken chuckled and relished how red his little Inner-Flames face was while staring at the massive naked man before her, the king couldn't help but open his wings to their full length before her. Draken watched his little kitten slowly make her hungry eyes down his sculptured body stopping with very wide eyes at his crown and jewels.

(A/N) Some changes from before but hope you enjoy it!!!!! Let me know how everything is and HUGE apologies for the wait! CRAZY with college finals and holidays!!!!!




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