Chapter 10: More Guests

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Rewritten 1/4/24

 Rimmon could not explain what was happening to his body, he had hidden himself away but something was pulling his soul back from its confinement. He felt tense following Draken through the island nearing the castle. The King of Dragons himself held his smaller hand with such gentleness and the aroma that came from the King was sending Rimmon's emotions wild. As much as he loved this attention, Rimmon knew that he had to slip away before it was too late, but could this be an opportunity?

 Rimmon's mind fought with his body as he tried his hardest to stay together, to stay Cozbi. Rimmon's hips were starting not to sway as much as before, even his natural scent was peaking through, the masculinity.

 Stay Cozbi. Rimmon thought with his head down now noticing that he walked over clean white tiled flooring that reflected the look of Cozbi to Rimmon. Repeating his thoughts and averting his eyes in fear Draken would notice what he was, wishing that the ties holding his mask wouldn't loosen.

 "I don't think I ever formally introduced myself to you my Inner-Flame." Draken stopped and turned to face Cozbi before him just outside a big grand door. "I am Draken Anthony Dracon or as everyone refers to me King Draken, but please my Flame call me Draken." Draken smiled before placing a small kiss on the back of Cozbi's hand still held in his. "May I have the honor of knowing your name my Inner-Flame?" Draken smiled again.

 Cozbi threw her head down completely red feeling super flustered by Draken's charm and looks.

 "Please don't fear me my Inner-Flame! I'm a very gentle giant." Draken said the last part huskily sending Cozbi's body in overdrive with heat.

 "Gentle giant? To which part, the title of King or in the bed?" An amused voice came into the conversation.

 When Cozbi went to turn and see who had spoken, she was met with Draken's very impressive and delicious-looking back muscles since the clothes that the maid had brought back were a size too small allowing the world to see his personal treasures. Peeling her eyes from his back, Cozbi peaked around Draken spotting a dark figure standing ahead of them with a cheeky smile.

 This man seemed to stand an inch or two taller than Cozbi. This dark man wore nothing but a big long pure black cloak that only showed the bottom half of his face where a cheeky smile was on display. Above that smile laid the scariest eyes Cozbi had ever seen, dark crimson slits cut through Cozbi's soul if she had one. Cozbi did notice that the cloak had feathers along the trim.

 "Raven! What do I owe this surprise to?" Draken relaxed some but wrapped his strong thick arm around Cozbi with a smile.

 "No hug? I'm not going to harm your little kitty." Those blood-red flowers landed on Cozbi with a smirk. This only caused Draken to tighten his grip on Cozbi.

 "Dragons." Raven huffed before vanishing. "I have a very handsome werewolf." Cozbi almost jumped out of her skin seeing that Raven was now the one next to her with his arm over her shoulder and Draken standing where he did seconds ago. "Basically both are the same. One's just hairier than the other." Raven chuckled to himself pulling me along past Draken to have the King snatch me back in his big strong arms. "My apologies your majesty." Raven joked pushing the giant double wood panel door open revealing a huge dining room. "My husbands already inside ready to discuss some business we came across." Raven stepped into the room.

 Draken followed after Raven carrying Cozbi bridal style, a long dark oak table sat in the middle of this huge room with walls decorated with paintings of beauty, and many other valuables were on display in the room. Cozbi saw three more people sitting farther down the table as Draken set her down a the start of the table.

 "It's been a while Draken." A man's deep booming voice filled with joy caused Cozbi to stiffen in her seat watching the man stand from his chair to an unbelievable height, a foot taller than Draken!

 "Dark." Draken replied with the same amount of joy in his voice clasping hands with Dark with force laughing deeply with the man.

 "I see that you have found your Mate." Dark said looking toward Cozbi.

 "Finally I have." Draken smiled proudly allowing Dark to approach me, yet watching Darl's every move.

 Even though Cozbi sat in a big chair, Dark still crouched down to get eye level with Cozbi, or the best that he could. Dark was handsome, Cozbi wouldn't lie and his lover wasn't lying either. His coal-black hair dropped into long thick locks, braids, and dreads here and there along with some accessories like feathers. Fluffy wolf ears stuck out of the locks above his head, thick sideburns connected to his beard and mustache, everything clean-cut. Thick brows sat on a strong brow ridge making Dark have a resting stern face adding to his intimidating look. Mismatched eyes where the left was a light blue sky, the right a dark amethyst purple. Big tufts of fur lay around Dark's thick neck and fell over his massive chest along with his locks. Dark's giant pecs were covered in a thick black forest that just covered every inch of him. Veins sprouted all over Dark's gigantic body along with tribal tattoos that Cozbi did not know the meaning of. His earthy skin color seemed rough like a mountain but smooth as caramel. Drapes, furs, and cloths were wrapped around his thick torso till his tree trunk-sized hairy thighs came into view and passed them revealing Dark was also barefoot.

 Dark was way bigger than Draken, everything about Dark was big, muscular, and powerful. Dark's big black and grey tail swayed lazily behind him before it stilled and he took a breath in with his pointed nose that held a bump on it, his eyes settling on me.

 "I'm Dark Marrock." Dark introduced himself standing to his unbelievable height. "And your name?" Dark asked crossing his big hairy arms over his hairy barreled chest.

 Cozbi said nothing.

 "A shy one I see." Dark chuckled softly.

 "She hasn't even told me her name, yet." Draken intervened grabbing the werewolf's attention. "She was just about to before Raven surprised us." Draken explained.

 "Well, Raven tends to butt into things sometimes." Dark said quietly too only receiving a slap on the arm from his Mate.

 "I just get excited, especially when one of our kids finds their other half." Raven exclaimed like a mother.

 "You are his parents?" Cozbi spoke bringing the eyes onto her.

 "To Raven, yes."

 "Not biologically but we have seen Draken grow up and since he had no parents growing up we somewhat filled that role." Raven explained.

 "Now why don't you tell your awaiting Mate your name little one? Don't know what the future holds." Dark told Cozbi giving her a tense look and giving her a flash of what could of happen. Mere seconds away from death his battle axe, images playing in her mind of Draken barely saving her from his attack, and if.

 "Bite your tongue Dark, how dare you threaten my Inner-Flame." Draken stood between Dark and Cozbi.

 "He's right, but if I could speak and stop being interrupted." Cozbi challenged back at the werewolf getting an amused scoff from him. "My name is Cozbi." Cozbi finally got out creating the biggest smile of Draken's sexy face.

 "See, a firm touch doesn't hurt." Dark said.

 "Only firm I've received from you is something close to lumbar thick and over the ten-inch length." Raven added making everyone in the room blush.

 "So, what was this business?" Draken coughed before speaking trying to rid the room of whatever happened. 

(A/N) XD I love Raven N Dark, they are OTP 100% Even though I'm writing Draken and Rim here, Dark N Raven will always be the top FOREVER! HOPE this story is enjoyable to whoever reads!



A Follow Maybe :D

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