Chapter 12: No Progress

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 "COZBI!" The almighty Eurion dragon roared out after crashing through the castle walls casting a giant shadow on the ground that he searched. A very hot and powerful aura pulsed off of the mighty dragon gave Cozbi a soothing feeling, she could even say it was somewhat pleasurable, but she could tell that it was a warning to others. "Found you!" Draken hissed having his piercing snake eyes lock onto Cozbi from the air instantly diving down toward her, and again the mixed emotions of being turned on along with butterflies filled her.

This was the great king Draken's true form! A sight that few have ever seen, most not living to tell the tale, kept hidden except for serious matters. Cozbi felt a weird pull toward the dragon, she could feel her raw emotions but within something, dorment wanted out. This brought fear to Cozbi, fearing Draken would know who she was.

"Found you!" Draken hissed using the pull to her as a guide diving right down to her location.

"The first time should always be with the special one." Raven mused taking steps in front of Cozbi, "I do have a bet going on and I usually don't lose." Raven made it seem like a threat to Cozbi looking over his shoulder with a blood orb that looked right through Cozbi's entire being.

"I-GIVE ME MY FLAME!" Draken roared cutting Cozbi off as he closed ground with them on the floor scary fast.

"One moment please." Raven's cloak opened into a giant black swirl consuming the massive dragon spitting the beast back up in the air but now in his human form. "I don't know what your purpose is here demon, especially your ranking," Raven made a jab at Cozbi's low level. "It mustn't be anything that important but still very interesting. I am a being that knows quite a lot. . . I do like a surprise now and then." Raven held a smug look. "Cya!" Raven said lastly before vanishing.

"Cozbi." Draken spoke softly with a worried tone pulling his fist away from her face intended for Raven. Next Cozbi was pulled into the Dragon King's big mighty chest, his muscular arms holding Cozbi with delicate care. Cozbi found herself leaning into Draken's hold, his warm body soothed the stress she just now noticed she was holding onto.

"Same time next year?" Dark raised a questioning brow as he approached Draken showing that he meant no harm to his Inner-Flame.

"So Raven can harrass my Inner-Flame again?" Draken retorted back at Dark tightening his hold on Cozbi.

"What can I say?" Raven appeared sitting on Dark's shoulder, "I work in mysterious ways, a very simple method to my madness." Dark held his hand up taking Raven's smaller one helping him down even though Raven simply floated down to the ground.

"Run your plans through me first with anything dealing with my Inner-Flame." Draken said sternly.

"What fun would that be then?" Raven giggled slightly snapping his fingers, "I took the liberty of fixing your castle back up Smokey." Raven waved as he and Dark left.

"Did he hurt you?!" Draken turned his attention instantly to Cozbi expecting her body for any injury.

"I'm fine." Cozbi smiled placing her hands into Draken's, "Why did you get so mad?" Cozbi looked up at Draken.

"Because they took you away from me my flame." Draken replied squeezing Cozbi's smaller hands lovingly.

"Raven said he just wanted to talk with me."

"Raven can be. . . Complicated at times." Draken scooped Cozbi up into his big strong arms holding her close to his heart. "I hope I didn't scare you my Flame." Draken softened his deep voice as he made his way back to the castle.

"Course not, if you knew how Hell my life has been," Cozbi reassured Draken laying her head on his collarbone.

"Has your life been that horrible?" Draken questioned.

"You have no clue. . ." Cozbi chuckled awkwardly to herself.

"Have no fear, your King here will make sure on my life that every moment of your life is Heaven." Draken hugged Cozbi tight with a big smile.

"That sounds like paradise." Cozbi basked in the warmth that Draken radiated out feeling all fuzzy inside. "One thing though Draken." Cozbi lifted her head to look at Draken's face.

"Yes, my Flame?"

"You look extremely handsome as a Dragon." Cozbi grew red from complementing Draken who looked back at her with wide eyes before they were changed back to his normal sexy smirk.

"Is that so my Flame." Draken's voice deepened with a rasp, "Perphaps I can give you an up-an-close experience with my giant dragon." Draken turned to a whisper that sent a chill up Cozbi's spine.

"Please do." Cozbi grinned back giggling.

(A/N) IM SO SORRY YET AGAIN! I THOUGHT I POSTED THIS! It's sorta like a filler but does go along with the story. So I guess those two weeks turned into months. . .

Very sorry!





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