Chapter 7: Made it

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Rewritten 10/15/2023

Cozbi tightly gripped onto Jaheel while they fell down the endless white room, the speed of their fall increasing. Jaheel held Cozbi back in a protective hug, awaiting whatever was to come. Through her closed eyes, Cozbi could tell that the light was starting to dim and the feeling of falling came to a sudden end.

"You two doves can stop your hugging now." A rough male voice had Cozbi opening her eyes, squinting and blinking a couple of times looking around. Another doorman stood behind a counter leaning against it looking at the two with a bored look, he looked very similar to Dingsy. "So?" The rough doorman's voice became sharper, and so did his gaze on the two still hugging. "How will you pay for the transportation?" The angry doorman asked.

Jaheel dug into his pocket revealing the paper that Dingsy had given them and held it out toward the angry doorman. To which the paper was rudely snatched away creating a low growl from deep within Jaheel's chest. Cozbi looked up at Jaheel feeling the vibration of his growl, a louder noticeable groan brought her attention to the doorman who crumbled the paper in his snapping his fingers and making the front door open.

"Welcome to the City of Operiel." The doorman's rough voice sounds a bit smoother but still annoyed. Cozbi and Jaheel finally released each other from the hug walking past the doorman and giving him their thanks, the doorman merely nodded back not caring for the gratitude they gave him even after being rude.

With much eagerness, Cozbi quickened her step to the open door to the bright outside world. She stepped out into the bright world blinking rapidly again to open her eyes to the most beautiful view Cozbi had ever seen. The city of Operiel was a lively colored kingdom that allowed any to live in peace and showcased the other creatures that Cozbi had never even seen herself. The sun was so warm on Cozbi's once cold stale skin, it was the most amazing feeling in the world to her, Cozbi hugged herself with the biggest smile. The air was sweet to the smell, very opposite from Hell's smogged singed charcoal smell. The breeze here cooled her rather than burn and sizzle against her skin.

Finally free. . . Cozbi thought to herself.

"Lovely isn't it?" a stranger spoke up approaching Cozbi.

Jaheel was quick to act, jumping in front of Cozbi with a warning glare and growl.

"Easy Hound." The man held up both his hands to show he was no threat. "I'm here to escort Cozbi to her living space." The man's young voice was stern.

"On who's authority." Jaheel growled blocking the strange man's view on Cozbi.

"My own and Ki's." The guy answered slowly revealing he had an envelope and handing it to Jaheel.

Cozbi looked at Jaheel with question watching him open the letter and read it. She noticed how Jaheel's ears and tail slightly dropped for a second before regaining his composure. He then looked from the letter to Cozbi with a sorry smile as the letter burned up into ashes.

"This is Hal and he is one of the Four Elements." Jaheel explained moving out of the way for Cozbi to look at the young man. "He will be taking you the rest of the way to your destination." Jaheel told Cozbi.

"Thank you very much for helping me get this far Jaheel, I enjoyed our journey." Cozbi smiled holding a hand out to Jaheel to which the Hound took Cozbi's small delicate hand joyfully.

"There's a Gate at the edge of the city on Hazters Street." Hal told Jaheel. Jaheel nodded looking back and giving Cozbi one last smile before turning and starting on his way back to Hell.

After staring off to where Jaheel had headed off, Cozbi finally looked back to Hal. The Element's platinum blonde hair really made his forest-green eyes pop under his firm brows that held a constant smirk to them. Hal's white skin had no mistakes to it and it looked smooth to the touch beside his triangular jaw that had slight subtle growing on it. Hal was tall but not as big as Ki or Jaheel, he had muscle on his body but Cozbi could tell along with his pristine fancy clothing that Hal was not really one for the hard labor.

"If it is ok to ask, which Element are you?" Cozbi sees amusement appear in his strong green eyes.

"I'm the Element Air known as Hal." The Element said proudly bowing at Cozbi.

"Very nice to meet you, but why is someone as important as you helping with affairs of Hell?" Cozbi asked bowing her head back at the Element.

"Pleasure is all mine." Hal smiled standing tall again, "The Elements have their own affairs. Yet we should be on our way since you start tomorrow." Hal answered nothing placing his strong arm firmly on Cozbi's shoulder leading her into the massive city.

Operiel was way bigger than Cozbi had originally thought and imagined, the capital city that they walked through held so many colors that Cozbi had never seen before. Many different shops, the many arrays of delicious smelling food danced in the breeze as it blew past softly pleasing Cozbi's nose. The two passed by a magnificent water fountain crafted by Masters of their work, Cozbi spotted a mermaid sitting on the edge of the fountain talking with a big smile to little children. Nearing the end of their travel, Cozbi's breath was stolen by the beauty of a Park, so much green she didn't know it possible for it all to be in one place.

A lovely mix of light purple and bright yellow swirled in the darkening sky above the two as they made their way by a tall stone statue of a man in a cloak holding a lantern to the sky. Cozbi eyes widened seeing the view in front of her, a huge island floated in the sky with a giant majestic castle a top of it the colors of the sky painted themselves on the castle. The floating island hovered above a dazzling lake looking crystal clear, it too having the colors of the sky glimmering on it in a multitude of shapes.

"That island is where you'll be sleeping, but course in the servant quarters near the edge of the island." Hal smiled finally relating Cozbi from his grasp. "We will be taking the trolley." Hal said looking over to his left, Cozbi followed his gaze to see a faerie lying on the stone floor with people boarding it yet no water under it.

Stepping onto the faerie Cozbi followed Hal to the side of the boat. Cozbi looked down hearing the boat creaked slightly and slid over the stone before lifting up off of the ground soaring into the sky up and up to the flying island. Once landed on the island, Cozbi took a cautious step onto the ground just to make sure. Hal snickered watching her react to all this knowing it was her first time out of Hell.

"This way." Hal again wrapped his arm around Cozbi's shoulders leading her to the sleeping maid's quarters on the island letting Cozbi go to only speak with the front desk woman. "Be successful in your mission, Hell isn't the only one banking on this win." Hal said lastly before disappearing in the night making Cozbi feel as though he was barely here to begin with.

Cozbi was led up the stairs to her room by the front desk woman, while outside the building, guards surrounded Hal asking him to join them peacefully in the castle.

(A/N) Here's another chap, YAY! So in the center of Operiel is the flying castle that belongs to King Draken. Hope you peeps like it!

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