Chapter 9: Wow

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  Rewritten 1/4/24

 Cozbi's heart pounded a hundred miles per hour ready to burst out of her chest. She is faced with a strange man naked in her room as she is getting ready to sleep. The heat that radiated off of him gave a weird but warming touch to her skin. The only light on was the one from out in the hallway beside the moonlight that shone through the window in Cozbi's room, to which Cozbi was smashed against her headboard trying to keep as much distance as possible from this stranger. After a lingering moment, the man finally stepped forward allowing the moonlight to make his bare perfect skin shine, Cozbi was at a loss with emotions.

 Short golden blonde messy hair mixed amazingly with his light blue eyes that sat upon white-tannish skin, almost gold-looking and looked smooth like gold. Cozbi needed to reach her hand out to find out if it felt like such. Cozbi's fear quickly vanished once she looked up into those strong ice-cold piercing eyes, noticing gold sideburns ran halfway down his sharp jawline.

 "My Inner-Flame." A deep rasp baritone voice sent shivers throughout Cozbi's whole body. "What's your name my kitten?" The strange sexy man asked with a raised thick eyebrow taking slow steps forward like stalking closer to his prey.

 Cozbi trembled uncontrollably in the bed, not from fear but from instinct wanting to submit to an entity stronger than herself. Right then Cozbi knew who just crashed into her room. The most powerful dragon shifter in the world.


 Cozbi opened her mouth to speak and answer the King but nothing came out, her mind screamed to reply or just make the smallest of sounds. In the back of Cozbi's mind, dread cracked in on if he discovered her true identity is what stopped her from speaking.

 "I see that you know who I am, and no need to fear me my Inner-Flame. I'll never hurt you." Draken reassured with an award-winning smile that twinkled even in the moonlight.

 Cozbi went to try a response again to only have her eyes wander down his handsome face to his thick strong neck. Broad shoulders that were covered in gold scales faded away down his muscular arms where some veins were visible. Big hands that had Cozbi's mind driving at full speed imagination!

 Moving father down to his big chest of pure muscle his pecs were full and well defined. His wide lats only added to his perfect V-shaped figure and slender torso. His godly frame screamed MAN and demanded attention. Muscles moved elegantly as he breathed in and out. The ridge between his juicy pecs was the start of thick blonde chest hair that faded outwards, a trail of hair went straight down his body branching off onto his chiseled abs.

 Draken chuckled loudly after Cozbi's red face looked farther down his godly body to see his crown and jewels before covering her face quickly.

 "You are absolutely adorable my kitten." Draken husked as he sat on the bed with it creaking in distress from his size.

 Cozbi squeaked as she was pulled into a very warm and dense muscular body with strong firm arms holding her close as though she would disappear without them to hold her. Cozbi opened her eyes to also see big golden-scaled wings wrapped around them both that shined in the dim light. Cozbi slowly reached her hand out running her fingers over the scales that felt smooth like silk yet she could feel how strong they were. Cozbi moved her gaze up to Draken's icy blue orbs seeing him chuckle again, this time feeling the vibration of his laughter in his big chest. It brought peace to Cozbi.

 Why is he here in the first place? Thought a concerned Cozbi shuffling away a few inches before being pulled back to the king's side by his beautiful wing.

 Why is he calling me a kitten?! Is he going to make me into a house cat or something! Cozbi's thoughts stormed in her head. The king coughed bringing Cozbi back to reality seeing the confusion in his eyes from my red face and trembling body.

 "As I was saying, Kitten. Yo-Here is your clothes, King Draken." The head maid, Darcy walks in holding folded clothes. Darcy stops dead scared when King Draken growls lowly at her intrusion.

 Silently in her mind, Cozbi couldn't help but get pleasure from the noise he made.

 "Place them at the door and next time knock." King Draken said through clenched serrated teeth.

 "Of course my King! I am very sorry!" Darcy pleaded urgently placing the clothes down and bowing.

 "Leave!" King Draken snarled scaring the poor maid out of her skin and having her scurrying away.

 "I don't wanna be some house cat!" Cozbi raised her voice pushing herself away from Draken. "My King. . ." Cozbi slowly bowed her head.

 "I'm not looking for a house cat my Kitten." King Draken spoke after being stunned for a second by Cozbi's words. "You are my Inner-Flame." King Draken took a slow step forward making sure not to scare her.

 "And what is that?" Cozbi asked looking back up to King Draken with tears at the brink of her eyes.

 "Come with me to the castle and I'll explain everything my Inner-Flame." King Draken held his big hand out awaiting for Cozbi.

 After seconds of silence, Cozbi finally reached out as well watching her small hand be engulfed by King Draken's massive strong ones. 

(A/N) OMLORD! Another chapter and not months between publishing XD I really hope whoever is reading that it's enjoyable!




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