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"Why do we have we never been to the Captiol before?" Finley asks

He look at him. He has never been there before and at the moment were on the train there and he really excited. He doesn't know about the old Capitol and Annie is too scared to tell him.

She looks at me as if wanting me to say something because Im apparently good with words. So I do, I mean I am his godfather. Annie wanted me and Katniss to be the god parents because were so good with him.

Me and Finnly have a good relationship, I dont know how to explain it but its strong and he knows he can trust me with anything.

"Finnley, the Capitol was a different place a few years ago and it wasn't good. None of us have ever felt comfortable going there before. But we all know you were excited to go so we are" I say

I know its not true that were going because Finnley is excited, but by the look on his face he looks happy and thanks us for going to the Capitol.

Im sitting next to Katniss with Willow on my lap and Finnick Sat next to me and Katniss has Prim in her lap. Katniss lays he head on my shoulder. 

I know its a simple jesture, but it sends fire throughout my body at just one touch from her.

Finnley takes a bag out of his pocket and walks over to Katniss and takes something out of it. 

"Want a sugar cube?" He says

Katniss goes white, pale. Katniss cant say no to him so she takes it and pops it in her mouth.

Finnley looks over at me and notices my look. He looks worried "Have I done something wrong?"He asks

I look at Annie and she has tears in the eyes threatening to spill over.

She shakes her head "No, No sweetie. You just you are so similar to your father. He used to love sugar cubes"

Finnley looks as if he was going to cry 

"Honey its good your like your father. he was a good man and you are a good man"

"But Im making you cry mumma" He says like a broken little kid.

"Its just because Im happy honey. come here" Annie said and he ran into her arms.


We arrived at the Capitol and we met Effie. She showed us to our appartment. The same one we stayed in our first games. I asked Katniss if she wanted to stay here or move because of the memories but she said it was fine.

We all got assigned rooms and the kids loved the place, not knowing the evils that were here.We had some dinner and went to bed, wrapping my arms around Katniss.



"Up, up, up. We have a big, big day" Effie shouts wrapping on our door waking me up. Peeta stirs beside me and kisses my nose without opening his eyes.

"Mmmn Katniss your lips taste different" He mummers.

I cant contain my laughter and Peeta opens his eyes.

"Hey, why are you laughing?" He asked confused.

"Let me try and refresh your memory....Mmmn Katniss your lips taste different" I say like peeta

His eyes widen and his cheeks become flushed. I love how after all this time I can have this affect on him, like he does to me.

"You kissed my nose, not my mouth"

Peeta and Katniss: Stronger together (Sequel to 'Our love remains') Book 3Where stories live. Discover now