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This is all so confusing! I dont get who Gale is! As I look over to Katniss she stands there, eyes glued to the spray painted door, the kids run up to us.

"Mummy, Daddy? What does 'Murderers' mean?" Willow asks. Our sweet, Innocent little daughter looks up at us with big wide eyes. Prim and Finn know exactly what it mean and they dont say anything.

Katniss snaps out of her trance and looks down at her. "Its not a nice thing, and you will find out when your older what it means, but you have to be believe me and your father when I say that we are not murderers" She says to Willow.

I know that me nor Katniss want Willow to believe im a murderer, and we dont want to tell her what it is because she is so innocent and I want to keep her that way. That might sound weird, but she is my little baby girl.

In my opinion she Prim and Finn are growing up way too fast. It feels like only yesterday Prim was running around with Finn in their nappies, in the meadow, or Willow was in her cot at, never being able to sleep through the night.

"Okay mummy. i promise" Willow says in her little cute baby voice.

We all walk through the door and into the house. I walk into the living room and sit down, my head is beginning to hurt a bit, I needed to sit down. I suddenly feel really hot. I feel sweat dropping from my forehead.

I hear Katniss taking the kids upstairs, for a nap. They said they were tired when walking here. So me and Katniss agreed to give them a nap and we will wake them up later when Haymitch comes over

Then Katniss comes back down and into the living room. She takes one look at me and feels my forehead. 

"Mmmn you feel hot, are you okay?" She asks

"Im sure im fine" I say and stand up. As soon as I do, I wish I didn't. My head starts spinning and my legs feel like jelly and my stomach flipped. I stumble a bit and Katniss catches me.

"I think your anything but fine. Now come one, get to bed " She says pulling me towards the stairs. 

"Okay" I say

I begin to walk the stairs, having a strong hold on the banister for support and I walk to our bedroom.

I climb under the covers after taking off my clothes and putting a pair of grey sweats on, not wearing a top. Im too hot to wear a top.

Moments later Katniss comes in and tells me to drink some kind of  medicine. I tell her im fine and im just a bit hot, but she doesn't believe me.

"Katniss, I swear I feel fine. Im just a bit hot. Thats all" I said to her

"No your not. You are not fine." She states quickly after.

After telling her im fine for about 5 minutes she gives up after telling me that if I feel worse drink two spoonfuls of the medicine by the side of the bed.

Katniss gets into be with me and puts her head on my chest and I instently put my arms around her, like its a reflex.

I squeeze her a bit and close my eyes, letting drakness cover my eyes.


There is something wrong with him. I can just feel it.

Thats the thought 'i have as I feel him falling asleep underneath me. I move my arm to the bedside table and stretch to reach the alarm clock, whilst being careful not to wake Peeta.

I set the alarm for 5 hours from now, which gives me an  2 hours and 30 minutes until Haymitch comes over for dinner.

After I set it, I put it back down and fall asleep snuggling deeper into Peeta embrace.


I wake up to the buzzing of my alarm clock and instantly liftt my fist and smack the top of it to shut the clock up. Its so loud and Annoying!

I put my head back on Peeta's chest and listen to sound to his heart beat. I suddenly know something isn't right.

As I listen to his heartbeat, I can feel it isn't even. Its hitched. I list my head to look at him and my face falls.

His face is red, burning up and scruntched up. His hair is sweatly and it looks like he is having trouble breathing. He shifts trying to get more air into his lungs. I told him he wasn't fine! But I did give up. I caused this! Me! His own wife!

Great Katniss. Well done. I gave into Peeta and I let him fall asleep without taking medicine. Now he is struggling for breath.

I quickly try to get him to wake up and shake him awake, but he wont budge.I quickly burst out of the door and run to Finns room. He is awake.

"Finn, go get grandpa Haymitch now! And hurry up! Its urgent" I shout to him and he runs out to Haymitch's. I run back to  mine and Peeta's room.

On the way Prim and Willow come out of thier rooms and try to follow me to our room. I hold them back and tell them to go and go downstairs and watch T.V. They do.

I dont want them to see their father and my Peeta like this.

I hold Peetas hand and kiss the back of it. 

Moments later Haymitch comes in. He looks at Peeta. "What happened?" He asks trying to sound calm

"I dont know, he said he was fine and we went to sleep and when I woke up he was like this." I say and Peeta trys for another gasp of air.

He picks him up and rushes down the stairs. "DADDY!!" I hear the kids scream as Haymitch carries him outside. The kids run to me and grab Prim and Finns hands and put Willow on my shoulders and walk out the front door.

Willow grips to my head tightly and I grip the twins hands tightly as well. We walk to hospital with HAymitch ahead carrying Peeta.

As we walk into the hospital we get glares and dirty looks given our way. I just ignore them. This is not what i need right now.  Peeta is put on a gurney and now my husbends life could hang in the balance by people who think he is a murderer.

Hope you liked it ! ! ! !

"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irraplaceable spark in the hopeless swaps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in loney fustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible. It is yours"

Thanks for reading x x x

Peeta and Katniss: Stronger together (Sequel to 'Our love remains') Book 3Where stories live. Discover now