His condition

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Sorry for the wait but I've finally updated!!!

Sorry, I have only just got my internet back after losing it for ages and I mean AGES!! And during that time it came and went really quickly, so I couldn't update

Anyway here's the new chapter.......


He was rushed into A&E (Accident and Emergency) through the front doors and then through the big swinging doors reading A&E in big red bold letters. I wasn't allowed any further.

Haymitch had to pull me back saying there wasn't anything I could do. It was all up to the doctors now.

As I sit in the hospital waiting room with Willow on my lap and Finn sleeping on my shoulder, My thoughts get away from me.


She was such an innocent child. So care free and loved everyone and everything. She was just like my little sister. She would run around the garden at home with Finn begging me to take her to the woods or to the bakery.

Now, she cant even move, let alone run around. She lays unconscious in a hospital bed. Battered and bruised.

I just want to run up and hug her. Take her home and protect her from all harm. But I cant.

She has to stay her until shes better, and she will be better. I will make sure she is as good as new.

She just has to be!

Anything else is just unthinkable.

Same goes for Peeta.

He has to make it out of this as perfect as he was before it happened.

Within a week, Prim and Peeta will walk out of here, come home and live life just as they were before the earthquake.

But all of this is just positive thinking, isn't it? That will do nothing but get my hopes up, for them to be crushed.

Thats what will happen, wont it? Whatever happens around me, there is always bad news. Thats what I am. Bad luck.

What if Peeta doesn't make it? What if Prim doesn't? What if none of them make it? What if they will be hurt beyond repair? What if? What if? What if?

This isn't helping at all. 'What If's?' Aren't going to help anyone at the moment.

Im supposed to be trying to be strong for Finn and Willow. And maybe even Haymitch. The old man, as much as he will deny it, he loves us and the kids and would be heartbroken if they were to be hurt.

Im snapped out of my thoughts when the doctor comes out of the big red double doors.

"Mrs Mellark?" The doctor asks

I nod my head with tears fresh in my eyes

"How are they?" I say and stand up

"Im Dr Johnson, Im Mr Mellarks doctor. However Im unaware of your daughters condition, as Im not her doctor, I can tell you about your husband's condition. " He says

I nod gesturing him to continue.

"Mr Mellarks has endured a lot of trauma. We believe that throughout the period he was underground, he was between consciousness and 'asleep'. We can tell this because it looks like Mr Mellark fell on his back, but his elbow took most of the impact.

And from the scratches all over his arms and fingers we can tell that he was trying to crawl. Im guessing towards your daughter." He said, pausing to see if im taking it all in.

Peeta and Katniss: Stronger together (Sequel to 'Our love remains') Book 3Where stories live. Discover now