Finding out

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I didnt tell Mum about the school bullies for ages and it was eating me alive, but it stopped her from worrying about me. But now she knows, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

But now I have told her, I no she is going to march into school, embarrass me and Prim, talk to the head teacher, which will probably result in me and Prim getting bullied more because we told Mum.

Im more scared of that happening now!

Once Mum's mind is set on doing something she will do it, no one could change her mind, apart from Papa, but he is still in hospital.

Mama tells us to go up to bed now seeing as it is around 9pm, which is usually to late for us to go to bed, but we got caught up in bullying, that we lost track of time.

Mama kisses both of our heads and we walk upstairs, brush my teeth, change clothes and get in to bed, hoping tomorrow will be a better day.


~~ Tomorrow morning - Katniss just finished dropping the kids off at school, The kids persuaded her to wait until Peeta knew about it, so he could talk to the Head teacher ~~

The thought never crossed my mind before. Not once.


They are both sweet, innocent, cute kids that wouldn't hurt a fly, and is that a justified reason why that can happen to them? No!

But it still happened. I cant let it keep going on. It shouldn't have happened in the first place!

Maybe if I had noticed something earlier, Finn might not be so bruised and Prim might not have had so much verbal abuse! Its all my fault they are like this. Prim got bullied because of who I am, which resulted in Finn getting bullied to!

If I had just ate those berries, Peeta wouldn't have been forced into another games, tortured, hijacked and kidnapped! I cause everyone pain!

But If I did eat those berries, the kids wouldn't be here, and there would still be hunger games.

Oh I dont know.

I walk through the front door

I decide to go to bed for a nap, Im really tired. I didnt sleep much last night. I had a really bad nightmare, again.

so I climb in resting an arm on Peeta's cold side of the bed. I miss sleeping in the same bad as him, but he needs to be in hospital.

I close my eyes only to be haunted by another nightmare.

~~ Nightmare ~~

I walk along the North Road with Peeta, Haymitch and the kids. We decided to have a picnic in the meadow.

Peeta begins rummaging through the basket and turns to me saying "I forgot the desert, I'll be right back" He says turning around after kissing my cheek.

"Mama, wheres Papa going?" Finn asks

"Hes going back to the house to get the desert. He forgot it sweetie" I say

"Can I go with him? Please. I didnt bring my woolly jumper" He says rubbing his arms.

I nod" Go on" I say and turn to shout to Peeta "PEETA WAIT," I say

He turns and Finn runs to him

"HE FORGOT HIS JUMPER" I shout so he can hear. He nods and walks back home with Finn's hand in his.

Peeta and Katniss: Stronger together (Sequel to 'Our love remains') Book 3Where stories live. Discover now