Snow day

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It feels so weird to  reflect on my life sometimes when I swore to myself  I was never to marry or have kids and here I am walking with them

I walk a few paces behind Willow and Peeta, with Prim and Finn. I look down and think.

I love how my life turned out, obviously I wish that the thouseds that died at my expence during the rebellion, including Prim, were still alive. But I cant help but feel like my life is some how perfect with Peeta as the husbend to my three children.

Prim and Finn are just behind me and I can hear the arguing really quietly, as if trying to hide what they are saying from me. I decide not to pry on their convosation because If they are talking quietly, They must really not want me to know.

They know they can come to me and Peeta about anything.

I look up and in the distance I see Peeta slapping Willows back repetitivly and shouting, But I cant hear what he is saying, then he thrusts under her chest, by her ribs.

He keeps doing it until something flies out of her mouth and lands on the floor. Willow starts to cough.

I have no idea what just happened.

I run over to them and Peeta starts crying and hugs Willow in a tight embrace, never letting go. He is sobbing, uncontolably.

He doesn't usually cry like this. The tears are never stopping. he sooths Willow and whispers in her ear "Your okay, Your okay, your okay. Nothing happened." He repetes this for ages.

I try to coax him out of his hug, but he wont move. Instead he says "K-Kat-Katniss. Nightlock" He says

And with that one word my expression changes. Did Willow eat some? No, she would be dead by now. Why is nightlock growing here? It never grows in district 12. Ive never seen it here. I look to the ground and there it is. Nightlock

I grab Finn and Prim and hug them, so they dont find any of the berries. Peeta stands up, carrying Willow and we walk back home, not sure what to say to one another with the children around.

We decide to put the kids to bed and after we sit down on the sofa in the living room, facing eachother.

"Peeta, what happened today?" I ask calmly

"Well....We were walking back, with Willow just infront of me and I looked at the ground for like a second and when I looked back up Willow was gone. I really freaked out and looked all around me.

I couldn't find her and I freaked out, then I felt a tug on my trousers and she was there and because she frightened the hell out of me and shouted at her that she shouldn't run off, without thinking, and I saw how upset she looked." He says and takes breath

Willow ran off? We told her not to do that, anyway Peeta begins talking again

"I imediatly felt bad and hugged her and said sorry and I told her never to walk off, especially in the woods and  then she showed nightlock.

I froze and zoned out of a few seconds because of the berries and when I came back Willow was just about" He paused and looked like her was going to cry, so I hugged him and he carried on

" them. She put them in her mouth before I could stop her. I freaked out and starting trying to get her to not swallow them. I was painicing like crazy, and when she finally coughed them up, I couldn't stop myself

Peeta and Katniss: Stronger together (Sequel to 'Our love remains') Book 3Where stories live. Discover now