News on Prim

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Hey everyone!

Im back with another chapter!....After reading this chapter, please dont hate me! :(





"Im afraid to tell you but there is some bad news"


~~~A few hours later~~~


I feel numb.

Just numb.

Thats my main feeling. I think anyone in my situation would feel this way. Its too hard to feel anything else.

Too feel like your world, or rather your daughter's, world comes crashing down around them.


I feel like I could have done more, but any mother would feel the same way. They'd feel like its their fault, that they could have done more, or there is some way to make everything better.

Except that is hardly ever the case

And its not the case today.

It took me while to get my head around what the doctor said was wrong with Prim, but it sunk in about half an hour ago. I didnt want to believe it - I still dont.


I suppose I should be grateful that I even got to have children. Some people cant have them. But Prim is my little girl and there is nothing I can do to stop her from being in pain.

As soon as the doctor told me and Peeta what was wrong with Prim, we were both crying, but Peeta was trying to stop the tears to be strong. But I think its impossible to be strong at the moment. You

can't be strong 24/7, yet he tries to be, fo me.For our family.

Peeta still blames himself for all thats happened, like usual, even though there was nothing he could do. But hes a parent and thats what we do, blame our children's suffering on ourselves. Its natural.


But I couldn't help but snap at him earlier when he was allowed to see her. He had to use a wheelchair but we both had a moment alone with our daughter, who was in a hospital bed.

But I snapped because I had had enough of him saying 'it was his fault' and that 'he could have done more'. 


I felt terrible after I had snapped, he was just worried about Prim, and apologized to him. 

At the moment we are both still at Prims bedside. Haymitch took Finn and Willow out of the room a while ago to give them some food, so they should be back soon.


Haymitch also cried, along with Finn, when the doctor told us about Prim. Willow didn't really know what we going on. She knew enough to know that something was wrong, but she doesnt know what is wrong and to what degree it is.


I dont even want to imagine the conversation Im going to have to have with her.about Prim.

I hold onto Prim's hand, willing all of this to be some sick nightmare. I even pinch myself to make sure. Sadly it is reality, not a nightmare.


Peeta looks at me from the corner of his eye and he gives me a look of pure sorrow. His face has paled even more that it already was before from his injures.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2014 ⏰

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