Chapter Nineteen

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                                                                (Two hours later)

"Kevin! Please do not do this!? Let's leave! This is not worth it!" I am crying as I try, without any luck, to pull Kevin away. Oh this is not what I wanted to happen. I do not want Kevin to get hurt.

"Touch him again and I promise that you'll regret being alive!" Kevin punches the poor guy in the face one last time and finally walks away. I look at the guy and rush after Kevin. By the time I catch up to him, Kevin is pacing back and forth out front smoking. I usually ask him not to smoke because it causes cancer but I can tell that he does not want to hear that right at this moment.

"Kevin..." The look he gives me makes me shut up instantly. He is very upset and I feel as if he is mad at me.

"You let him touch you like that!? Do you want me to kill a motherfucker tonight??! What the fuck Eddward Vincent!?" I cry harder as I stand there and listen to Kevin yell at me. I try to stop crying but hearing him yell at me like that makes me cry harder.

"I am sorry Kevin. I did not mean to hurt you. I shall go home now." I walk away and wipe my eyes. The tears keep falling as I walk. I am truly hurt by Kevin's actions. I have done nothing wrong. I let Kevin know what happened as soon as I could find him. I did not want nor wish for that unknown man to touch me.

"Double D wait up! Come on, I'm sorry." Kevin calls after me but I keep walking. I walk the whole two miles home alone. I am cold but can not warm up because I have left my jacket at the party. When I finally reach my house I go straight into my room and lay on my bed. Kevin calls and texts me all night long but I do not answer. I lay on my bed under my cover and cry myself to sleep.

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