Self Defense-less

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A DOGES MESSAGE... Make sure to do these two things before reading....
One: Follow Kitty_kun2
And two: follow Twins_Bae
Thanks and ENJOY!! :p
Meh: Jesus... I feel like we're gonna die from Jean and not from Titans...
Le lib: yea..... But before that I need to save my Marco from dying! So they can still fuck tho...
*hears echoing horse hooves behind them*
Le lib and me: ITZA!!
Le lib: so... What happened inside the luxurious walls.
Itz: welp....
~~~~~Flaaassssssh baaackk~~~~~~
*everybody doing nothing but arguing drugs or drinking*
~~~~End O' Flaaasssshhh baaaack!~~~~~
Me: well then...
Itz: yea.... Not as fun as it sounds...
Le lib: WELL.... MEAN while.... We're going on a adventure, and we are going to save Marco! Or be the ones who at least see him die...
Itz: hmmm... Makes sense...
Me: I wonder how to work these things...
Le lib and Itz: me too....
*all three peeps press the button that releases the string*
All three peeps: oh shet.... AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
*flys off horses disrupts coordination makes everyone confused and wind up landing far away from eachother.*
Le lib: MAAARRRCCOOOOOO *someone from distance* POLLOOO
oh shut up....
Itz: SAFETY!!! Food!!! Water! Oh shet... TITTAANNNSSSS!!!! *eren from afar* AAHHHGGHRRHHH TITTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANS!!!!!!!!
Me:*takes everyone that was in front of meh* AAAHHHHH I CANT SEE!!! BODIES ARE IN THE WAY!!!!
Me: OH SHIT!! LIBEEEEERRRR!!!!! IIITTZZZAAAAAAAA!!!! HEELP!! And by the way, don't kill me till after I save your boyfriend... Kay?

To be continued...

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