liber: *runs through wall* i will sell Ciels virginity for 8 goat.eaton: 7 goat.
liber: more goat.
me: 8.5 goat.
liber: yes yes. buisness.
lian: i only have 8 goat... will this be ok?
ian: succ my goat and it will be ok.
eaton: ian, we make business not blowjobs.
ian: its ok, they with begin with B..
libs: wait when did business not have time for gay sex
eaton: since nOw!
itz: fINALLY!
*claude moaning in background*
itz: ya know what, at least i cant sEe it.
izreal: LIAN SEMPAI! *tackles him* I got you some flowers.
lian: aw thank-
ian: *is eating them* FUF FLOWRS MANF!
lian: i-im sorry about ian
izreal: its ok, ill buy you a new bouquet.
ian: Oh nO yOU wOnt! *holds up knife*
eaton: *grabs ian* lets go buddy, you need a snickers.
libs: so, what did you do with ciels soul...
me: well im pretty sure youll find out in a few seconds.
*from neigh-boring house*