?????: "Takano-San probably is dating Marukawa-San anyway..."
Itz: WHAT WAIT WHOS THERE! I know fUCKING karate! *cries in corner*
Le lib: bitch calm down it was just the main character. Onadere Ritsu.
Me: yea. Like all the other uke's in anime instead of sharing his feelings he just contemplates and thinks about them... just saying.
Itz: IM GETTING OUT OF HERE! (Doesn't realize it but she is Chiaki) *runs* *bumps into Hatori* MOVE!
Hatori: I was looking for you, now let's go have some fun. *drags Itz*
Itz: *clawing to anything* NO! GUYS HELP!
Me: hey, could u video tape it? That'd be great...
Itz: YOU FUCKING- *words fading out*
Me: I wonder who I am...
Itz: I guess we'll find out! *pushes me out into middle of office*
Takano: Kou? What are you doing up in here!?
Me: oh, um. Yea! I was looking for... Um. Papers.... Ok bye!*runs back into corner* what the fuck Liber! *whisper shout*
Le lib: hey there was only two ways it could have gone, you either wind up like Itz or get praised by your boyfriend?!
Me: true.... Your turn! *pushes into office*
Takano: Yū? Sit back down and stop running off.
Me: *still hidden* *snickers*
Le lib: I, I have to do work...
Takano: stop messing around and go into the authors section.
Le lib: o. Ok... *walks the wrong way*
Takano: Other. Way.
Lib: y, yea! I knew that.
Me: running off to the store / what ever the work place is called. *bumps into Kisa* excuse me.
Kisa: Kou! *practically tackles muah*
Me: O-oH! hEy! Um, I didn't realize it was you! I'm so. Glad! Hehheh.
Kisa: are you feeling alright, you don't seem like yourself.
Me: Me? Nah I'm fine. Just had a... Crazy, day.
Kisa: oh, well I need to get to work Takano will yell at me again. See you later!
Me: Yea, Bai!
~~~~~~~~~With Le lib, or Yū~~~~~~~~~~~
Bunch of ladies: Oh Yū, we'll help you! Yea! We can massage your shoulders? And feed you food? And do your work?!
Lib: *evily smirks*
2 minuets later
Lib: That's the spot, uuuuh.
*getting back massaged*
Lib: Pizza me!
~~~~~~~~~~With Itza~~~~~~~~~~~
*having romantic dinner*
Itz: H-Hey, this was really nice and all but I think my friends are worried about me. I should go...
Yoshino: and what friends are more important then our alone time.
Itz: well I think it's... Kou and... Yū...
Yoshino: *gives nasty death stare*
Itz: y-you okay?...*thinks about Lib and My life lessons about Sekai Ichi* oh, shit.
Yoshino: y-you still hang out with... Yū.
Itz: n-no! He's my friend! I really don't want to mess anything up!
Yoshino: No! Go ahead since Yū and some cashier boy, are more important then out relationship!
~~~~~~~~Back to me... Or Kou~~~~~~~~
Me: LibEr! *whisper shout* LIIIBERRR! *run down hallway*
Opens door one. *sees Takano and Ritsu gettin it on* *snaps pic, waddles away* Liiiibeerrrr.
opens door 2
Me: Lib- I mean... Yū time to go! Hehheh.
Lib: *gets up from massage* I'll be back ladies.
Lib: so, where we goin. *cracks back*
Me: we're going to get Itza before she messes anything up...
*finds Itza*
Itz: H-hey, calm down. I didn't mean it like that!
Lib: she meant that she need to meet with her friends... Gotta problem.
Me: *facepalm*
Lib: You heard me you gotta- *rembers she's Yū* oh shet.
Me: Hey, hey! Tomorrow we need to... Go save that- OH SHIT!
Everyone: what...
Me: I FORGOT TO MEET UP WITH KISA! *rushes off to work building*
*everyone else continues fighting*
~~~~~~My problems~~~~~~
*sees Kisa crying in corner*
Me: O my-Im So sorry! I just got cought up in friends and then work then people, just... UGH!
Kisa: it's fine... Apparently I'm just nothing to you!To be continued...