Save Me/22/Trouble

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Anime Quote:

"I exist only for you. If you declare that I am not needed, then my life is of no worth."

-Miketsukami soushi(InuxBokuSS)



I wish that I lived in a world with only me and you. Then we wouldn't have to suffer anymore. I wouldn't have to cry every morning after a nightmare that I had about you. You'd be by my side when I'd wake up and then I'd be reminded of what I have. If it were only you and me, maybe then will I forget about all those bad and sad things. Then maybe I could finally be happy.


I looked at Tsubasa and he raised his brows as well. We were utterly confused out of our lives. Everyone was silent except for Misaki who was cheering and getting everything ready for her. As for the little girl herself, she still had her little chubby arms around me in a tight squeeze. There was no way to get her to let go because she clearly had something going on, especially since she clearly felt overwhelmed. I don't know why but I felt like crying too.

It was as if, this were a reunion. As if, we had a sad departure and this was our reconciliation.

I carefully observed her actions and physical characteristics. I couldn't believe my eyes when she let go. She looked exactly like me. Except I could tell her hair was shorter and straighter. She could look like Aoi if she let it down and her eyes were just as big as my own. The only thing that is different is her face. She has such an emotionless face, yet she shows expression in her actions. If she was anything like Hotaru, she wouldn't have come running to me in tears. Especially in a sprint like that.

"Who are you?" I whispered. She looked up at me and her eyes filled with tears yet again, only she bit the inside of her cheek. I don't know why... but she seemed happy and upset at the same time.

She searched for words but she seemed shy. It was funny because... well. Look at me. Am I anything close to shy? Naw...

"My name is Sana(said as Say-Nah)" She muttered as she fidgeted in an awkward manner. "I am eleven years old and I have the memory processing Alice."

"EH????" We all looked at each other in wonder. Did she just state one of the rarest Alices' of all time? Yes, folks. Yes she did.

"I have a very strong Alice but it isn't life-threatening." She mumbled. We all stayed quiet as we took in the bomb she launched.

"You have the memory processing Alice?" I leaned down on one leg and met her eyes. "Wow! That's amazing!"

She smiled and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Thank you M-" She stopped. Her eyes darted towards the ground and focused on something else. "Uh... what's your name?" She whispered.

"My name is Mikan Sakura. You said, your name is Sana? What a beautiful name you have." I patted her head and grinned. She blushed and intertwined her hands together, shyly.

"My mother gave me the name..."

"Ah, is that so? Well, now that we have gotten to know you a little better. Why don't we celebrate your arrival?"

"..." She nodded and I took her by the hand and pulled her towards the table full of goodies. "Mi... Mikan? How old are you?"

"How old am I? Hm... I'm 15 years old now." Now that I had recalled. My Birthday was coming up pretty soon and I'd almost forgotten. "I will be turning 16 soon."

"..." She stayed quiet. I ignored it and went on my way, introducing her to everyone in the Special Ability class.

Then it was time for us to go out. It was still Alice Festival week and today happened to be Hotaru's class. They had a special performance for everyone. I was excited because I haven't been spending time with her lately.

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