Save Me/41/Fade Away

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Hello ReadersXD How are ya'll doing??? I've been obsessing over webtoons lately so I've completely forgotten about my fanfics... hahahaha... 


I have an announcement...

There's about 10ish chapters left in this fanfic!!! I'm still thinking about if I'll write a third book and if I happen to actually write it then it will be the last T^T. What do you guys think??? I already have an idea but no spoilers yet;)

Anyways~On with the chapter >.<

Sorry about all the dialogue latelyDX


Anime Quote:

"It's your words that gave me courage. It became my light that would guide me to the right path again."



As the room lightens, the emptiness begins to grow heavy. Mikan feels calmer now after talking with her teachers but feels that the chains have gotten tighter with each passing second.

She grows impatient at the ticking of a clock that she's mentally pictured. "Can all we do is wait?" She asks out loud; she hears them cough out in reply:

"We can't do anything in chains and without Alices..."

She shakes her head and looks for an outing. 

"Do you guys know anything about Joshua that we can possibly use against him when the time comes...?"

Again, she hears them sigh and cough out in desperation.

"If we did, we'd have done something sooner..." Jinno snaps.

"There's nothing much we can do except hope for the best."

"We know too little..."

She replies, "Alright then..." Then another questions tugs at the back of her mind.


"Do you know of the Alice Goddess? Noda-sensei, Jin Jin, Sensei?"

Noda shakes his head, "She's just an urban legend. I can't believe people still talk about her."

Jinno lingers on his words, "I heard that she's been gone for years so I wouldn't know what to believe..."

"Why do you ask Sakura?" Her teacher carefully observes.

"Joshua is looking for the Alice Goddess because she holds the most powerful Alice-the Resurrection Alice."

They stay silent as she speaks but shift uncomfortably in their chains.

"I read her journal entries and found them to be very sensitive, emotional... painful. I couldn't help relating to her situations and the fact that her emotions poured into what we have today-Alices. The only thing left of her are the Alices and her son."

"How is this at all related to the Hunters, Sakura?" Jinno sighs.

"I was working with them for quite some time and found out that they think I may have inherited the Resurrection Alice and she's been reborn into me. Like I'm her reincarnation or something."

"Is that why they haven't physically done anything to you?"

Mikan nods, "I'm guessing they think that I'm a Goddess or something."

"That can't be..." Sensei mumbles off.

After a good few seconds, they start to argue with each other...

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