Chapter 19

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Lily's pov

Sarah went home after soccer and stuff but me and my mom decided to stay a day or two longer. There was nothing to do and I just wanted to go home. I decided to text Sarah and see what she's up to.

L: Heeeeey gurl

S: heeeeey Billy (inside joke😂)

L: soooooo bored

S: go to Dollywood or something

L: man that costs money broooo

S: what are our dads wallets for?


S: sucks for yooooou

L: what are you doing

S: hanging with da fam before we leave for Georgia

L: fun

S: hey I gotta go, see ya toooomorrow!!!!!

I out my phone on the bed and just watched tv.

Sarah's pov

Sam had to go home but you know. I decided just to watch tv. I get a call from a number I don't know. I don't answer it but it kept calling so I finally answered it.

"What do you want?" I say.

"Hehe go to the park," they say, it sounds like a man. A old man😂


"You said you wanted to know who I was, just come."


I walk down to the park.

"Gavin???" I say running up to him giving him a smack on the head for scaring me.

"Hehe, long time no see cuz,"

"The scared me! I thought I was going to die! What are you doing here?????"

"Eh visiting my family here. Lily is already in Georgia."

"What ever I got to go pack, oh and do you know how to be the best cousin eveeeer?"

"No, how?"

"I want to meet Mark Thomas and Mario Selman!"

"Oh dayum, in your dreams. Gtg bye,"

"Bye G!"

I walk back to my house and go on my phone.

Hey guys❤️ so I am soooooo close to 1k reads but I am getting bored of this book. I want to do a Mark Thomas one or a Mario Selman one. I am gonna be ending this book really soon. I will be putting in new characters and stuff.

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