Chapter One: Marriage

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Why hello once again, my lovelies! 😘 Long time, no see, eh? I'm so happy and excited to be back!! I've missed seeing those wonderful comments of yours!

Okay, so quick catch up!:

Sasu and Saku, with team 7, have returned to the village from the Snow mission and now Franz's brother is in the picture. SasuSaku are together and have been for a little over a year.

Now that about catches you up! Lol 😎

First off, in my break I have read and watched: Future Diary (Weird, overall pretty good), Full Metal Panic and Full Metal Panic Sigma (both fantastic, second part was a little confusing at first with the art but turned out to be even better than the first), Red Data Girl (It's alright), Kimi Ni Todoke (F-ing awesome, fell in love with it from the beginning!), and I have started Angel Beats and Deadman Wonderland (both equally strange). Also I caught up on my Naruto episodes and I never got behind on the chapters so yay!! 😊💋 now I'm just waiting on a new chapter for Attack on Titan and one for Full Metal Panic Sigma. I feel like I'm going to be waiting for a long time 😒 which sucks, but totally worth it!

I really have missed you guys, though, and I'm so happy to be back on here!

Remember: I Do Not Own Naruto!! 😭 I wish I did! Second: I will not be uploading a chapter every week now. It'll probably be like every two weeks. Sorry, school is just really tough. Lol. If I have time I will upload a chapter, but I can't promise anything. 😥

And now without further ado, I present: Recollection II: Blackout (The sequel to Recollection!) chapter one!!! Comment, vote, like, follow, and just enjoy!! ☺

~Kei-chan ❤💋

Recollection II: Blackout

Chapter One


We were so close, our bodies and hearts. His chest placed on mine, his hands in my hair. His lips sliding down my neck in smooth little kisses. My breath quickened as his hands trailed up my sides and sent shivers down my spine. The blood rushed to my cheeks as his lips dipped a little lower than my collarbone. I put my hands in his hair and squeezed.

"Where is Sakura?" I could hear Ria say. "Her break is over in less than five minutes and Lady Tsunade is coming!"

I smiled. Only if she knew that I was right outside the window.

It was nighttime and stars shown brightly above the village lights. Sasuke and I were tangled together on the roof of the hospital, compelled by passion. It's been almost a year since we've been together and nothing could be more exhilarating than being with him. Than kissing him or even touching him! Everything was so amazing when I'm with him.

"Sakura?" His husky voice sounding thrillingly sexy whispered. "Don't you need to go back in?"

"No," I put my hands on either side of his smooth face. "It's my lunch break and I'm still hungry."

He smiled and leaned in to kiss me passionately. I slid my hands up the back of his shirt, touching his ripped muscles, and then scraping back down them. He grunted, but continued to explore my mouth. Kami, I thought. Don't ever stop.

My phone started to vibrate. Dammit, I thought. Who's calling me?

"Hold on," I whispered, trying to untangle myself from him long enough to grab my phone. Ria! I stared at the screen and then decided to ignore it. "I have to go, Ria is starting to call."

"Fine," Sasuke mumbled. "I'll meet you after work. Do you want to come over or should I?"

"You should come over," I smiled, trailing my finger across his bottom lip. "Dads out of town for the night on a mission. I'm all alone and no one wants a frail, young girl home by herself. Something might happen."

Recollection II: BlackoutWhere stories live. Discover now