Chapter Six: Blades

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Just yell at me now 😣 this story is going to be way shorter than I planned. I'm sorry, but I just don't think I can drag it out any longer. It's probably going to be only ten or eleven chapters which is very disappointing to me; however, I have a set of one shots about SasuSaku that will be uploaded afterwards. I have to finish this story out so I can make it possible.

Also, I have a new one shot up! It's a NaruSaku, but hey give it a shot! It's actually really good. Pleeaasee give it a read😊

I want to thank you guys oh so very much for the comments, votes, follows, and likes again. Now here's the kinda disappointing/ filler-like chapter!

~Kei-chan 💗🍀🍡

Chapter Six:


All of the lights in Naruto's apartment seemed to be turned on. They brightly lit the way up the steps to his front door. From the outside, the inside seemed to be quiet.

Sasuke pulled a key, accompanied by the head of a toad keychain, out of his pocket and put it into the doorknob. The house smelled of instant ramen and milk, two smells that combine to become lethal.

"Naruto?" I called, stepping into what was his bedroom.

"Over here," He replied, from his training room.

He and Hinata were setting at the table looking at pictures of weapons from some old scrolls. Hinata looked tired with light circles under her eyes. Naruto did as well, his blonde locks tousled around and his face pale.

"How are you doing?" I asked, Sasuke stepping in behind me.

"Could be better," Naruto grinned. "How are you?"

"Good," I smiled. "A little sore, but at least I'm alive, right?"

"Thank you, Sakura," Hinata said, quietly. "I told Ino to tell you earlier, but she probably didn't."

"You're welcome," I said, leaning against the doorway. "Can I ask you something?"

"What?" They replied in unison.

"Is there a reason you're looking at blades?" I asked, glancing at the pictures.

"Well, I didn't get to see much of my attackers, but I did see one of their blades," Hinata said, pushing her long hair back over her shoulder. "It was weird. It was like a flat point with three raised sides. I've never seen anything like it."

"I told my dad the same thing!" I said. "That was the blade that woman stabbed me with. She cut my side open pretty bad with it, but she didn't hurt me one bit when she tried to stab it in my chest."

"What did your dad say about it?" Naruto asked.

I took a seat next to Hinata and began to explain what they were. Sasuke slunk back against the wall and just listened.

"Do you really think it could be connected to Land of Winter mission?" Naruto asked, after setting back and piecing everything together.

"It's the only thing that makes sense," I answered. "It would explain why they're targeting us."

"Have they even said if they're targeting us?" He asked.

"Yeah," I answered. "They said that they wanted you, but could deal with Sasuke and I."

"So why don't they just attack us directly?"

"Only a fool would attack anyone directly in The Leaf," Sasuke scoffed. "It's too dangerous. Almost everyone here is highly skilled or on there way to becoming highly skilled. These people are smart, they're hitting us where it hurts without directly attacking us."

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