Chapter Fifteen: Our Beginning

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Thank you for this amazing journey! It has been awesome. You guys are the best! You've helped me gain so much confidence in my work and I love every single one of you for that. This may be the final chapter in my SasuSaku fanfic, but their story is far from over. Maybe someday I'll continue it, but for now this is all.

Don't forget to check out my new SasuSaku one shots collection entitle, "Forever: Little Stories of Our Life" out this Monday!

Vote, comment, follow, and like! See you all again soon.

~Kei-chan 🎀💜💋

Chapter Fifteen: Our Beginning

"Because of you, I can feel myself slowly but surely becoming the me I have always dreamed of being."

-Tyler Knott Gregson

We got the apartment across from the ANBU building the very next day. The lease was signed within and hour and before we knew it, here we were standing in a furniture store staring at an array of patterned couches.

"We are not getting a white couch," I argued, pulling Sasuke up from the fluffy, stain targeted seat. "Lets get a brown one, leather."

"Brown is ugly," Sasuke sneered, snarling his nose up. "What about a black one?"

"The curtains are already black," I mumbled. "What about red?"

"What about green?"

"What about purple?"

"Well, how about this blue one right here?" A tall, bloated man asked, cheerfully. "Sorry to intrude, but I couldn't help but over hear your argument. Blue seems to be a very nice, uncommon color that most young people go after nowadays."

"I like it," Sasuke nodded.

"We could put the grey pillows on it!" I smiled. "We'll take this one."

The couch was heavier than it looked, and harder to get inside a sliding glass door than you would think. In the end, we wound up turning it sideways and taking the cushions out.

"Put it against the wall," I told the workers. "In front of the television."

"What all do we lack asides from the kitchen?" Sasuke asked, stretching his arms above his head. He had just put the table in the dining room and had a bar impression on his arm.

"Well," I chewed my lip. "We need another bookshelf, and a few more tables. Oh, and a bigger bed. We both only have a twin so we need at least a full."

"A queen is better," Dad interjected. "Your mom and I fought over the space all the time. Get a queen."

"Very well," I nodded. "A queen."

"Then what do we need after that?" Sasuke asked.

"A house warming party," Dad nodded. "And ask for pots and pans, from everybody. I would tell you curtains, but you already got a bunch of those."

I laughed, as I sat a vase next to the door.

"Okay," Ino said, bring in a small box marked bedroom. "This is the last of it. What the heck is in this? It's heavy!"

"Oo," I smiled, taking the box from her. "Pictures!"

"What pictures?" Naruto asked, leaning in the doorway.

"This picture!" I smiled, pulling out the team 7 photo. "Where should we put it?"

"The kitchen so you'll alway think of me and make ramen," Naruto announced, rubbing his belly.

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