Chapter Twelve: My Father's Hero

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I'm sorry my updates are so delayed. I have spring break this week and should get a couple in 😘

Just a couple more chapters until the end 😔

Thank you for everything so far. I love your comments specifically 😊 you guys are so nice and understanding.

Well on with the chapter! Keep the votes, comments, likes, and follows coming!


Chapter Twelve:

My Father's Hero

The wind ripped through my disheveled body and made me catch my breath. The roof was up higher than I expected and it wavered my bravery a bit until I caught the monster in my throat and set eyebrows in the direction of determination. Sasuke was close behind me in step, but even further away from me than ever thought possible.

"You check the left and I'll get the right," He instructed, passing me. He hesitated a moment and touched my arm. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to my shoulder and sighed. "Please be careful."

"I will if you can do the same," I nodded. "Check the left, right?"

He shook his head and kept walking to the right.

"Just don't be foolish, Sakura," Sasuke said. "I know this is your father, but don't forget he's not the only one who needs you now."

"I know." I agreed, watching his figure make its way further across the roof.

I wondered around on the dome shaped roof, checking every slivering window for my father's being. Mom, please be watching over dad, I thought coming up to the last window on my assigned route. This window showed light inside of it, lifting my spirits a bit, and then I saw the electric blue woman walk under its path. I shrunk back a bit, close enough for me to see but not her. She was talking to someone and twirling a blade around in her hand. She moved like a territorial cat, back and forth, almost in a trance until she stopped and slung the blade across the room. Then I heard my father's groan of pain.

Searing hot anger and pain twisted inside of me, forcing my face into an angry snarl. Like a wild animal, I dropped into the window with my fist full of morbid chakra.

I looked around and saw my father was not in the room, but a tape recorder was stuck onto the wall with a knife jammed into the play button. I let out a growl as I pieced together what she had done.

Shock didn't cross her features as I daintily jumped at her and smashed into the wall. She gave out a cackling laugh and dissolved into the air. I stood still, looking around for some sign of movement when the posters on the wall behind me shifted in the slight wind and I spun around to be face to face with her.

"Welcome, Sa-ku-ra," She mewed, grasping my wrist quicker than I expected. "Your father and I were beginning to miss you dearly, darling."

I grunted and began to fill the chakra around my wrist with heat so she would be forced to let me go. She snatched her hand away and I moved in to head but her as hard as possible. She yelped as my foot came into contact with her ribs. I felt the crunch of bones through my boot and smiled. She fell straight to the ground, moaning in pain.

A memory of Lady Tsunade's wise words flashed into my mind : "Always, no matter what conditions, finish your opponent."

I brought my leg back, filling it with power, and slammed forward into her small figure. With a sudden jerk, she flew back into the close wall and crumble it completely as she flew through it. I ran to catch up with her and bent down, to pick up her by the hair of her head. Blood trickled out of her mouth and plaster was caked around her face. With one lift and push, I slammed her face into the ground. The floor busted into cracks and pieces, sending a vibration throughout the entire room.

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