Chapter Four: Steamy Embarrasment

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Hello, darlings 😘

I just want to take a moment and thank all of you who have voted, commented, followed, and liked! Especially, I thank every single one of you read my stories. You all are amazingly beautiful and I couldn't thank you enough for what you all have given me! 😊 So in turn, I've given you something that I really think you'll enjoy. Or at least I hope. Lets just say that the first part of the title of this chapter speaks for itself. Steamy. Get the hint? Lol. No sex or anything like that, but lets just put it this way; this chapter is truly a SasuSaku chapter! 😉

I have an extended weekend for Martin Luther King Jr. Day so that means more time to write chapters! Hopefully I can write at least two this weekend. I'm aiming for three, but I can live with two. Well, without further adieu here's Chapter Four: Steamy Embarrassment!

~Kei-chan 🍥🌷

Chapter Four:

Steamy Embarrassment

I groaned and stretched out my legs. Taking a deep breath, my ears popped and I felt a stinging burn in my side. I heard a beeping noise and my eyes flew open. Around me were four white walls and a brightly illuminating light swinging overhead. The sheets were itchy and I recognized the smell of antiseptic and rubber gloves. I was in a hospital, or better yet, a hospital bed.

But when? How? I remember being awake when we got here and then nothing after that. Where is Sasuke? I looked around the empty room and found I was the only one in here. Where is Hinata?

I slowly threw my legs over the side of the bed and grabbed onto the I. V. Pole. I could feel bandages tightly wrapped around my upper body. I groaned in pain as I reached for the doorknob and turned it. I was wearing a robe over my hospital gown, but I could still feel the chill of the hospital hallway.

I made my way to the front desk where a receptionist looked at me with gaping eyes.

"Where is Tsunade?" I asked, my voicing cracking from dryness.

"She hasn't been by this morning," She replied. "You are Sakura Haruno, correct?"

I nodded.

"She said you are free to go at anytime, you just have to sign yourself out," The lady pulled out a clipboard and handed me a pen. "I suppose you know how to remove your I. V. and things."

I nodded and made my way back to my room. I found a bag, I assumed my father brought for me, and put the clothes inside on. I smiled as I looked at what he had picked out for me. A pink t shirt and a pair of sweats that said cutie on the butt with a pair of grey Toms. Feeling a bit stuffy, I pulled my hair up into a messy bun. I felt like a child when I actually looked in a mirror and saw the outfit. A child who has been abused, I thought looking at my swollen face and bulging eyeballs. I shook off the feeling of tiredness and made my way out of the building.

Dad wasn't at the house when I got there and so I was left alone. I picked up the phone after I put my bag in my room and dialed Sasuke's cell phone. No answer.

I groaned and dialed Naruto's.

"Hello?" A girls voice answered. "Sakura, are you okay?"

"Ino," I realized. "Is Naruto okay? Why are you answering his phone?"

"He's fine, he's just talking to Hinata's dad," She explained. "We're all at the Hokage's office."

"Is Sasuke there?" I asked, nervously.

"No, he just left to go see you at the hospital," She answered. "Where are you? Are you still there?"

"No, I'm at home," I said. "I checked myself out earlier, I just got here."

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