Chapter Three: Attack

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Hello, hello! So the story is going to be moving pretty fast from here on out and it's going to be like bam, boom, bang, shlam! Yeah, something like that lol 😆
Not much else to say, but enjoy! 😘
~Kei-chan ❄💙💘💍

Chapter Three:

I was wearing white.
This was the first and only time in my life that I would.
White doesn't suit you, I thought staring at my reflection. Red does.
Then red dye began to spread itself about the pure fabric.
The Lady in Red, I smiled.
I turn and glanced in the mirror. There, upon my back was the Uchiha symbol embroidered onto the crimson gown.
But I am not an Uchiha, I argued with my happy self. You, Sakura Haruno, are not an Uchiha.
I stared into the reflection and smiled.
Touching my chest, I argued. No, that doesn't belong there! Take it off!
I couldn't control my body. My hands were no longer my hands. My mouth was no longer my mouth. I was no longer myself.
Gasping, I stood before my uncontrolled self. How can I be here, if I'm there?
Am I dreaming?
I was standing before myself wearing black.
The Sakura in red turned towards me.
She gave me a wide, jaw breaking smile. Literally, her bones began to break away from her skin and unprotected flesh was visible.
I covered my mouth in disgust.
"Sakuuura," It chimed as it began to disfigure its body. "Sakura!"
It began to move towards me. I stepped back, but hit a wall.
I turned to run a different direction, but there was another wall.
All around me were walls and I couldn't go anywhere.
I was trapped.
I beginning to panic and my breath quickened along with my heartbeat.
Help, I thought. Call for help!
"Sakuuurraa!" The creature began to coo. "Sakura!"
It yelled my name over and over as it began to close it on me.
As it jumped I fell to the floor and screamed, "Sasuke!"

I threw myself out of the bed. I was sweaty and my hands were shaking. My breath was coming in quick, short breaths. I looked over at my alarm clock that informed me I had been asleep for exactly thirty five minutes since I had got off work.
"Sakura?" My dad said. "What's wrong with you?"
I turned to see him standing by bed, looking down at me.
"Did you have a nightmare?" Dad touched my cheek. "I've been calling your name for ten minutes now."
"I'm sorry," I mumbled. "I just had the strangest dream."
"Well," Dad sat down on the bed next to me. "Naruto just called frantic, Hinata is missing. Have you seen her?"
"What?" I asked, shocked. "No, I haven't seen her since the day before yesterday."
"Maybe you should go help find her," Dad commented. "Sasuke is helping and so is many of your other friends."
"Okay," I replied. "Just let me change my clothes and I'll go meet up with them."
Dad nodded and dipped out of the room.
I groaned and laid back on the bed. Running my hands through my hair, I thought about the dream. What the hell did I eat before bed?

"Hey, Sakura, over here!" Ino yelled, waving her hand.
I had just made my way over to Hokage Tower where we were all meeting up to discuss Hinata's disappearance. Everyone from my graduating class was here and then some. I made my way over to Ino and Sai who were quietly talking to themselves about where she might be.
"Maybe she went to one of the battlefields. Isn't the war date coming up soon?" Sai asked.
"No, I don't think she would. Not by herself," Ino argued. "She might of went to school. Naruto and her did meet their and they just recently got engaged. Mayr she wanted to remember that time."
"I just hope she's okay," Kiba chimed in. "I can't believe she's missing. What if she's been kidnapped, again?"
"Who would kidnap her, though?" Shino asked.
"I don't know," Kiba shrugged. "Anyone or clan wanting to use her for some ransom."
"It is a possibility," Sai agreed. "Her clan is millionaires."
"What if its someone trying to get back at Naruto?" Lee pointed out, poking his head from behind Choji. "Isn't odd that just days after they were engaged she goes missing?"
"And Naruto does have a lot of enemies," Choji nodded.
"Mostly dead," I said. "I can't think of any who would do this, though."
"We will be split into groups of two," Lady began, making the room become eerily silent. "Each group will be given a select number and that number will lead you to one of these maps which will give you he specific places assigned to you for searching. Now, the groups are as follows. . . "
As she began listing names, I glanced at Naruto who was staring depressingly at the ground. He looked like he hadn't slept at all or even had a bite of food. Sasuke and Kakashi were on either side of him. Kakashi's hand was placed on his shoulder and Sasuke patted his back as he left his side to come to mine.
"Why did you leave Naruto?" I asked, when he stood beside of me.
"Because she said I was your partner," He replied. "Didn't you hear her? I don't know how you wouldn't."
I shrugged, blaming it on my few hours of sleep.
I looked at Hinata's father who silent. He showed no emotion behind his deep eyes. I could only imagine what was going through his mind.

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