Chapter Fourteen: Always Smile

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This chapter took me so longggg to write, but I think that's because it was actually a long chapter lol 😋 I'm actually happy with this chapter, I think it turned out well. I like being show more about Sasuke's personal side, from my story's point of view that is. It's like my own form of baking with words. 😘
There's only one chapter left of this story and it will be posted within the next two weeks. My SasuSaku one shot will be posted as well. I'm ending it so quickly because I have my English finals coming up and am going to have tonnnnesss to write about. Shakespeare will be the death of me, I swear 😒 but nonetheless, it did not take away from the depth of these last two chapters. I promise! ☺
Keep the likes, votes, comments 😍, and follows coming! Thanks, boos!
~Kei-chan 👑🎀👓💋

P.s. I follow you if you follow me! 💜

Chapter Fourteen:
Always Smile

Sasuke was sanding in front of the mirror, straightening out his shirt and looking at his hair. I could tell he was nervous by the way his hands moved, all shaky.
"I believe you'll do just find, babe," I told him, leaning back against my headboard. "We both know already that you are strong and smart enough, so what do you have to worry about?"
"Everything," He mumbled, nerves obvious in his voice. "If I fail, I fail both of us."
"No, you won't," I walked toward him and touched his shoulders, pulling him into my chest. "Even if you fail, you can just try again. You will never fail us."
"Hn," Sasuke grunted, turning towards me and suddenly wrapping his arms around my waist.
I could hear his breathing as steady as always and his heartbeat fluttered quietly in my ear. I wrapped my arms around him automatically and breathed in his sent.
"I love you, Sakura," Sasuke said, quietly. "More than anything."
"I love you, too, Sasuke," I rubbed my face into his chest. "So much."
"I have to go," He told me. "It's an hour until it starts, but I want to study while I wait."
"Of course!" I smiled, letting go of him. "Let me walk with you. I want to go see Ino anyways."
He nodded, and I grabbed my bag.
I wrapped my hand around his glove cloaked one and we walked out of my house. The people on the streets still look at us as we pass, but it's less nowadays. Some even greet both me and Sasuke, which just makes us feel more and more welcomed.
"Goodmorning, Sakura, Sasuke," One of the venders greeted us. "Good luck on your exam today. My son is trying as well. I had spotted your name on the list."
"Thank you," Sasuke replied. "And good luck to your son as well."
"Haha! Of course!" The kindly old man chuckled.
We walked through the rest of the streets quietly, taking in the nice sunny day. We came to the park across the street from the ANBU building and I suddenly felt nervous too.
"Look," Sasuke pointed to the set of buildings on the other side of the little park. "There's an apartment for rent."
"Must be a sign," I smiled, wrapping my arm around his.
"Hopefully a sign and not a teasing," Sasuke smiled, genuinely. "I might have to go kick karma's ass."
I laughed.
"But I have to go," Sasuke told me, touching my cheek with his hand. "Be careful going to Ino's. I love you."
"I love you, too," I hugged him, tightly. "Good luck on your test and don't forget that I'm proud of you no matter what."
Sasuke smiled and pressed his lips to mine before walking towards the building. It felt like slow motion when our hands parted in the silhouette of the sun and my chest cringed in nervousness for him.
I watched him until he disappeared inside of the building and then I turned and walked towards Ino's shop. My heart stammered in fear for him. I want him to pass so bad, I thought. Mom, please watch over him, he really wants and deserves this.

"How is Sai?" I asked, an hour later when I was setting in the break room at the flower shop.
Ino and I were drinking tea and setting in the nice air conditioned area, lazying around on this warm day. The shop had been dead all morning so we just decided to take a break.
"He's good," She smiled. "He got to come home yesterday. They gave him another week off from work, to give the concussion time to heal."
"That's good," I agreed, playing with my cup. "Have you heard from Hinata any?"
"Yes," Ino nodded. "She's fine, Naruto and her told her father of their marriage. He seemed pleased with it, Naruto being a hero and all."
"Of course," I laughed. "Naruto is a good man, though. Very kind hearted and gentle."
"As expected of Minato's son," Ino giggled. "Or so my mom says."
"I wonder what Sasuke's father was like," I said, twirling a spoon in my tea. "I wonder if Sasuke and him have anything in common."
"Mom said that Fugaku was very stubborn and intimidating," Ino informed me. "She said that his mother and father were exact opposites."
"Sasuke doesn't mention his father or mother much," I confessed, staring at the wall. "We've talked about Itachi and a few of his cousins, but never really his parents. I know he has said that his mother was beautiful and gentle, and somehow subtly strong. Which I guess you would have to be in order to become an Uchiha."
"So when are you going to become an Uchiha?" Ino asked, with a playful smile.
"Eventually," I answered, with a girlish giggle. "When are you going to even get with Sai?"
"Whenever he grows some balls and ask me," She laughed. "But in reality, I'm thinking of making him dinner tomorrow night. Do you think it'd be weird?"
"What? No!" I told her. "That's probably the sweetest idea you've ever come up with. He would love it."
"Okay," She grinned. "Now I just have to figure out what to cook."
I laughed.
"Knock, knock," Tenten's voice came from the front counter. "Anyone there?"
"Coming!" Ino answered.
We came back out into the front room and greeted Tenten.
"How can I help you?" Ino smiled.
"I want some sort of yellow flowers for my mom," Tenten said, looking around the shop a little. "Just throw together a nice bouquet and I'll take it."
"Okay," Ino nodded. "What's the occasion or is it just a random act of kindness?"
"It's Mother's Day," Tenten laughed. "Don't tell me you forgot, too!"
"Oh, actually," Ino scratched the back of her head. "I kinda did. Guess I'll have to run out after closing and get something for mom."
It's already Mother's Day again? I asked myself. Time sure does fly. It's already been almost three years since she's been gone.
I watched Ino pick out some yellow sunflowers, along with some multi colored magnolias, and finally adorning it with some baby's breath.
"How's this?" She asked, handing the pink wrapped flowers to Tenten.
"It's beautiful!" Tenten smiled. "Thank you so much, Ino!"
"You're welcoming," Ino smiled back at her. "There on the house, since you reminded me about Mother's Day."
"Okay, thanks so much!" Tenten gave Ino's hand a squeeze. "I have to get going, though, mom gets off work in a few I want to meet her at the house. See ya! And thanks again."
"Thank you for coming! Have a nice day!" Ino said, as Tenten disappeared out of the door. "Wow, I didn't even realize today was Mother's Day."
"Me neither," I mumbled. "I guess I'll take an order of flowers for mom."
"Okay," She smiled. "Any specifics?"
"Tulips," I said. "Those were her favorites."

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