Chapter Thirteen: A Fleeting Moment

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Heyooooo!!!!! 😀😚😁

How's everyone been doing? How'd you like that cliff hanger, eh? Pretty good, right? 😜

I just want to say that I loved the last chapter of Naruto, it was amazeballs ( <- lol ). I'm so excited to see Naruto and Sasuke fight together again.

Idk if you guys read Attack on Titan or not but omigod, that last chapter surprised me! Did not see that Levi thing coming lol 😲

But now back to the story. I have exactly 2 chapters left until it is over and that makes me very sad 😭 but everything has to come to an end eventually. I will be posting a collection of one shots of SasuSaku, though, if that helps. It is called Forever: Little Stories of Our Lives. I only have one one shot done as of right now but more will be posted as time goes on. Idk about another story yet. I graduate high school in another month and then I have college a month later plus I have to get a job so yeah. I will try though. I do have another SasuSaku in mind, but I can't make any promises! 😫

So here we go! Enjoy! Keep the comments (especially the comments, I LOVE THEM! ☺), votes, likes, and follows coming!

~Kei-chan 🎀💋

Chapter Thirteen:

A Fleeting Moment

I had to remind myself to breath.

My vision was blurry, making images fade in and out like a strange, demented slide show.

My ears rang, a pinging reminder of the events that just happened.

My body was soar to the point of being numb from the blow.

I slowly turned my head, so I could see around me and failed with a thud on the ground.

I felt a squeeze on my hand and averted my eyes downward.

The ringing continued as I stared at my hand.

With a gasp of relief, I saw Sasuke's hand wrapped around mine. He was lifting himself off of the ground, bent on to his knees, and tumbled closer to me. His mouth moved, but I couldn't her anything but the ping. I couldn't even move.

Shaking his head, he looked up the street and was talking to someone. I tried to turn my neck, but couldn't.

Giving in to my pain, I closed my eyes.


All I want to do is sleep. All I want is to roll over into my pillow and sleep. For the rest of forever.

I'm so soar and just want to forget it. This is the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life, I thought groaning in agony. I slowly rolled my body over, ignoring the bruising in my stomach.

"Sakura?" My dad's voice made its way into my head.

My eyes flickered open to the nightstand in my bedroom. The picture of Sasuke and me from last summer at the pool. The feelings of that moment came fleeting back to my memory.

Sasuke had tackled me into the pool, taking me by surprise and I was mad at him so I ignored him and sat at the edge of the pool by myself. Then he came up to me, wrapped his arms around me and forced me to eat ice cream with me. It just reminds me every day how I can't stay mad at him over the little things. The moment itself distracted me from my pain temporarily then I looked around me a little bit, trying to get a fill of my surroundings.

I was in my room, curtains drawled, laying in my own bed. I felt bandages on my arms and legs, and saw a bottle of pain meds setting next to my photo.

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