Chapter Nine: Second Chance

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Hey, lovelies! 😊 I hope you all are having a wonderful Valentine's Day, single or not. You don't need no man/lady to get a good box of chocolates! Lol my boyfriend bought me a big Hershey's kiss and I'm pretty satisfied, though 😁

So this chapter is sort of a Valentine's Day gift from me to you! It's very intimate and cute at the same time. If you aren't comfortable with a little bit of nudity I suggest you skip about the middle of this chapter lol other than that, enjoy! 😘

~Kei-chan 💋💘💝

Chapter Nine:

Second Chance

The lights in Naruto's house were turned off when we arrived. Sasuke had to use his cute frog key to open the door. I giggled a little as he narrowed his eyes at the chibi like creature.

"You can put your stuff in my room," He told me, handing me my bag. "I'm going to get some more blankets out of the hall closet."

I nodded and walked down the tiny hall to where Sasuke's room was tucked into.

After the war, Naruto had his apartment redone so that it would be larger. Unfortunately, he didn't count on Sasuke living with him so the room originally built for the laundry was given to him. It was tiny with the washing machine and dryer right beside of his twin size bed. The walls were a light blue color and the floor was a hard wood oak. One small, long window let the street light in. There was a dresser at the foot of the bed against the wall and a shelf hanging above the top of the bed containing some cologne, blades, and a picture of Sasuke and I. I recognized the photo as the first one we ever took together. We were laying in the snow and I was smiling like crazy.

I smiled, setting my bag down on the dryer. I crawled onto the grey sheeted bed and picked up the picture. Our first kiss flashed through my head making me laugh.

"What is it?" Sasuke asked, setting down on the bed with a red blanket in his hands.

"Nothing," I said, setting the picture back down. "I was just thinking of our first kiss."

"Ah, yes," He nodded. "A hospital room is so romantic, I cannot contain myself inside of their bleak white walls."

"I'm sure you can't." I laughed, pulling my hairband out and letting my hair fall down. "I'm going to take a shower."

Sasuke nodded and got up from the bed. He walked back down the hall and came back with a towel in his hands.

"Naruto didn't put the clean towels in the bathroom yet," He told me. "This place would be a pigsty if I wasn't here to clean it."

"I believe it," I mumbled, taking the towel. "I don't know how Hinata's going to do it when you move out."

"Hn," Sasuke shrugged. "Not our problem, babe."

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek before going to the small, practically, half bath bathroom. There was only a toilet, sink, shelf, mirror, and a walk in shower that was covered by a glass door. I barely had enough room to turn around.

Where did all the extra room he had made go? I thought, getting undressed.

My cut was slowly healing, most of the pain was dull like an old bruise. The blood had dried and scabbed over, leaving an ugly mark on my side. The pale skin around my gash had turned a deeming pink color. I snarled my nose up in disgust and pain as I washed it off. After a good thrifty minutes freeing myself of dried blood, dirt, and ache, I forced myself out of the shower.

I pulled on a baggy T-shirt and plaid pajama bottoms. I brushed my tangled locks out then brushed my teeth. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Even with the shower I look like shit, I thought touching the bags under my eyes. They weren't from lack of sleep just crying. I looked paler than usual and my cheeks were red with stress.

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